Hello Alopecia World! I'm a new member and I posted this question in the children with alopecia forum section earlier. This is my first post and my first blog, just hoping to hear some response:

I'm a new member here and desperately need to hear a "happy ending" story. I am the mother of a 4 year old who was recently diagnosed with alopecia areata. It seems as though I spend every waking moment, fighting back tears, looking for an answer for her, trying to find a cure, trying to find out why there isn't more definitive research being done. I read thru so many posts here and find them so useful and helpful. What I need to hear is that someone else's child had alopecia once, for a brief moment, and it never came back. Is there anyone like that here? Or when/if the alopecia goes away, do members stop posting?

Views: 121

Comment by Dominique on October 5, 2008 at 9:49pm
Hi Kayreyn,

How you are you? Obviously not great - it is a tough time in your life. Hopefully some of what I say will offer some comfort. When I read your post, two "Happy Ending" stories occurred to me - both very different, but hopeful.

The first is of an excellent childhood friend of mine. We'll call her Maree. When I was about 7 - I went to my first Alopecia conference - and there I met a wonderful girl. She was smiley, bubbly, happy and had Alopecia Areata.

Over the next few years, we became close friends (despite living far apart and the differences in the severity of our Alopecia) - and were drawn together by our shared condition.

As we grew up - we drifted... her hair grew in for the most part, and I believe now - has completely grown back. Though we are still in contact, Alopecia is not something we talk about. But - altoghther she is an happy and wonderful young woman, the impact that Alopecia may have had on her life is not scaring and in her own way - I think she has dealt with it, and has no need to worry any more.

So - that's the first "Happy Ending" story.

The second story is my story (and similar to many of those on here who were childhood Alopecians). I lost all my hair at the young age of 9 months - it only ever grew back once (at the age of 5 - and only for 1 month). I have grown up my entire life without any hair in the most obvious place - my head. 23 years of dealing with stares, explaining the condition, putting up with ignorance and rudeness - and sharing alot of my life with a twin sister, who has hair, and who I always saw as the beautiful one.

The "Happy Ending" of this story is that, whilst the above is true, it was also 23 years of finding strength within myself, of spreading awareness of a condition that isn't that uncommon, of teaching others acceptence, showing the world that I didn't need hair to accompolish anything I wanted to, and most importantly - of realising that I am beautiful.

I know the second story isn't the "Happy Ending" you want to hear about, but I use it to point out the fact that there isn't alot of difference between the two - both resulted in two happy, bright, brave and beautiful young women.

By giving you both stories, I wish to give you hope in either direction. This condition can be mean, ruthless and unpredictable. At the age of 23 I am only starting to understand the affect it has had - not only on me, but on my siblings, and my parents. I can not imagine what you are going through - though I do know the thought of possibly passing this onto my own children taunts me.

I hope someone can provide you with the "Happy Ending" you are looking for - and in the many years to come - I have no doubt you and your daughter will find your own "Happy Ending"


(PS. Another short story is my cousin who had Alopecia Areata extremely briefly. She was young, had a few patches and it never came back)
Comment by Kayreyn on October 6, 2008 at 8:29am
Thank you so much for sharing your "happy ending" stories. At 23, you seem wise beyond your years and I appreciate your sharing your wisdom with me. Hopefully one day I will get to that point, but I will always continue to hope and be inspired by those who have conquered alopecia
Comment by Kayreyn on October 6, 2008 at 8:30am
I thank you for your story as well. It's a reflection of excellent parenting when a child can exude the confidence that your daughter has and I'm proud of you for that.
Comment by kristin on October 8, 2008 at 12:54am
hi kayren,

I just want you to know that I feel the same as you do. I want to hear from the people who did get their hair back. I was hesitant at first to even join a website called "alopecia world" as I felt as though I had given up. I am not giving up. I know that my hair will come back and I am confident that your daughter's hair can come back as well.


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