The Nonchalance of Dermatologists/Doctors

Is it me or is there an increasing nonchalance of dermatologists and doctors when it comes to Alopecia. I have taken my daughter to nearly a dozen dermatologists and doctors across the state of North Carolina. I have yet to meet a dermatologist/doctor who seems to be genuinely interested in her condition. They diagnose her, give her a prescription for clobetasol or protopic, and then say come back in 3 months. 3 months!!!! I pray she still has hair in 3 months! One even had the nerve to ask me "What do you want me to do"? with such arrogance.

There's no sense of urgency, even when it comes to getting an appointment. One of the leading "pediatric dermatologists" here can't see her until March of 2009, another one won't even open up the appointment books until 3 months from now.

I'm looking for a dermatologist or doctor to truly care, to listen, to offer options, to try everything to treat my child. Of course I'm not looking for them to care for her the way I do, but I am looking for the decency to at least pretend like you care.

Does anyone have any doctors that they would recommend -- anywhere--- as for my daughter I will travel to the end of the earth. Because in all honesty, here in NC, I have not met one yet whom I would recommend to any site member here who truly wants someone who appears as though they care.

Views: 8

Comment by Kayreyn on October 6, 2008 at 9:05pm
Thank you Bogie! I tell you, it's hard to find one good one, and I'm definitely going to research/find the one you recommended in NC
Comment by theantichick (Shannon's Mom) on October 6, 2008 at 9:14pm
Wow. I hope and pray I don't have to take my kiddo to that many to find someone who at least knows what's going on. The guy we saw today doesn't seem to know much about alopecia, even though he came highly recommended from our pediatrician. He's floating some pretty goofy theories about two other conditions that don't really fit the symptoms, on the basis that he doesn't think alopecia presents with a large hair fallout, when virtually every story I've read in my research, the people talk about their hair coming out in handfuls.

I've dealt with a lot of doctors, both as a patient and when I worked in the medical community. I believe that a lot of specialists lose the "human touch", and it's a real shame.

Perhaps AW needs to have a place to share the names of really great dermatologists.
Comment by Linda on October 7, 2008 at 8:49am
Nonchalance is an under statement for most Dermatologists! Back in 1964 (wow I sould like a dinosaur) lol, my dermatologist took a look at my spots, asked my mom if I had been putting anything unusual on my head, then he grilled her about what she may have put on my head. He said that blacks use pomades that aren't safe---wow! Anyway he started me with the shots, it really hurt, no explanation of what he was doing, just shots. My Mom cried each time we left his office, he was so condescending. His name...Dr. Gerdes, I didn't like him and after about 5 treatments, I told my Mom I never wanted to see him again, she obliged me. Each dermatologist after that was a nightmare until I was old enough to tell them where to get off at. You have to demand good service and if you don't receive it, you have the right to leave without pay and report the dermatologist to the state licensing board for medical employees.
Comment by Cindy on October 7, 2008 at 4:12pm
I feel your pain and totally relate to what you are going through as a parent. I took my daughter to 3 derms and drove everyone crazy. Is there a children's hospital or a Mayo Clinic out your way. My daughter is being treated at Boston Children's Hospital and we have received excellent treatment. She began regrowth in June...If you want to travel to Boston I am happy to give you the number, but it took me awhile to get her in. Cindy
Comment by Kayreyn on October 7, 2008 at 6:50pm
Thank you everyone for your comments, suggestions, and support! I'm hanging in there strong for her, and I'll keep searching until we find the right doctor and treatment. I have faith in that!
Comment by kastababy on October 8, 2008 at 12:48pm
My two doctors in Nashville, Dana Latour and Melissa Langley, are the most phenomenal women and dermatologists I have come across! They are both very astute, observant, caring women -- Christian women -- and they take a genuine interest in their patients' total well-being in relation to their AA or any other conditions that they can possibly treat.

I hate that you have to go through that with the doctors though. Remember, that just because they're doctors doesn't mean that you have to put up with indifferent, arrogant behavior. Don't be afraid to stand up to the doctor and let him/her know that you don't appreciate his attitude. If necessary, file a greivance with the local medical board. And most of all, don't be afraid to walk out on a jackass like that and find someone else that WILL treat you with the respect and dignity you deserve.

Good luck!
Comment by Reen on October 8, 2008 at 2:45pm
First of all, talk to your daughter, see if she WANTS to continue to see doctors and seek out other opinions and treatments. She may want to "take a break". (i'm not sure how old she is, so if this makes no sense, forgive me). If she wants a break, that's okay!

I agree with other posters, advocate for your child, but do it WITH the doctor. You'll probably get farther that way. Good luck!
Comment by Trina on October 23, 2008 at 9:11am
Wow! I guess I was blessed to find a dermatologist who was concerned. If there is a childrens hospital in your area that might be the first place to start with. I am in MD and could recommend a good dr but i think that might be too far for you. Just keep looking until you can find a good one. I know this can be frustrating but you have plenty of people here to support you.
Comment by Royalty on November 1, 2008 at 10:07pm
Nonchalance is an under statement. I have been to many doctors and it was soooo frustrating for them to look at me clueless and ready to write a prescription but had no answers or support for my condition.


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