hi, friends...
there were several days passing,
i felt like "ill", but did not want to go to any doctor..
i "just" felt depressed, like something would`ve died inside me..
cannot explain it better.. but i was sitting-around at home, didn´t
want to see or hear anything from my so-called friends around..
i just sat there, or being "put" on my bed, listening to some music,
and felt like, i cannot express it exactly.. i did not want to do anything..
not-even do my work for my job.. i was having some problems with my
job, but i think, after i told them the truth about my "hairy problem", and why
i am wearing a baseball-cap nearly all the time (others wear sunglasses, but
that´s a different "story"..) even during office-hours...
i felt so tired, so depressive.. and even now, i feel like my "powers" slowly
but constantly leave my body.. not just my hair´s leaving, now, there´s my
powers, also mentally!, leaving me, as well.. that cannot be "normal" or "routine"..
i don´t have any idea, why that´s happening to me..


Views: 7

Comment by Victoria Laughren on October 9, 2008 at 9:19pm
Hi Sylvia,
I can tell that you are having a difficult time. Yes, it may be true that your hair is leaving your body. But I think that your mental and emotional state will subside after time. Time heals wonders and you have every right to be sad, depressed and like your powers leaving you. It's important to own those feelings, and understand where they come from. YOu must feel the bottom before standing on top of the world. Is there a possibility that there are other factors contributing to your feelings, in addition to your hair loss? Its so hard to battle everything at once. You are beautiful, you are not your hair, and your hair doesn't make you. I find it hard having alopecia and female pattern baldness as well. You are not alone, but it is normal to feel that way during hard times. I think its a good time right nhow to reach out to friends and family, and do some things you enjoy. Go shopping, eat some bad for you food, curl up with a book or a movie, my favorite is calling your best girl friend.
Comment by SylviaBonin2008 on October 10, 2008 at 2:03am
you mean, i should stop wondering or asking or being-sad about my hair, leaving me?
Comment by Tony on October 10, 2008 at 6:32am
Sylvia, we all deal with the loss of our hair in different ways. Some moarn, some get mad, some get depressed. It's a normal reaction to such a big change in our lives whether we like to admit it or not. Eventually we adjust to the changes or at least begin to understand that the circumstance. This takes time and sometimes a little help to once again feel like the person you once were. Have you seen your family doctor yet? Your doc may have some suggestions to help you get you back to being you. If nothing else, a visit to the doc can rule out other drivers of hair loss such as thyroid dysfunction. Our thoughts go with you...
Comment by Margo on October 11, 2008 at 11:32pm
Hi Sylvia,
I'm new to this environment but totally understand what you are feeling! You are not alone at feeling depressed about this situation and you have every right to your feelings! I'm not sure any of us know why this is happening to us or why. I so often feel like nobody will ever take the time to see beyond the baldness and love me! We just have to remember that we all have our unique powers within our hairless bodies and it is very valuable! Embrace your inner beauty and know there are those of us out there that feel for you and are here to support you as you support us! Be Strong!
Comment by betty Crusenberry on October 23, 2008 at 7:23am
Sylvia, hello I hope you are feeling much better by now:} My story with Alopecia lasted and I'm still crossing my fingers that it is over, lasted 13 yrs. Everytime my hair would begin to grow back and give me hope, another episode would start. I was living with a pill head(didn't realize till the end, serious} I was very healthy, was fearing the 30th birthday coming on, so I began to cross train. I became addicted to exercising, aerobics and weight lifting and the results were very pleasant to view. The better I looked and felt, the more jealous my live in got. I began to drink very often, beer. He would bring a case or so home on most evenings. He knew if I were drinking, I'd be forced to stay home and live a life of seclusion from my family and friends. I couldn't go to the grocery store on Sat morn w/o being accused of some sort of sex with someone. It got really bad, I'd shake and always dreaded 5 pm because he finished work at that time and headed home. When I finally had a life shaking crisis I got back in church where I realized what an atheist I'd spent much of my life on. So, I got away. Starting in 2002, he stalked me to distances of 5 hrs from hometown. He began carrying gun and threatening me and my family and friends. I lost my hair once again, but got the devil out of my life. I prayed for God to help me with Mr Right and I'm sitting here happily married to a wonderful calm spirited, godd natured, christ loving, soul mate. I spent years in the "depression cycle" It's very hard to shake. The only advise I can say works would be prayer and lifestyle change. My life is better now than that little pic I had imagined in my head. Sylia focus on the positive. Get things done.. Do not sit and fret. Free your life of the negative thoughts, feelings, etc and start achieving that pic in your head. God Bless You Sylvia. You're in my thoughts and prayers. Know that you ae loved.:}
Comment by James G. King on May 26, 2009 at 7:56pm
Hi: My name is Jim and I'm in the U.S.A. (Riverside,Ca. but moving to Arizona soon) ... I was reading what you said and would like to let you know that I have alopecia ( for over 20 years now ) and it's sad for me to say this but yes I understand how you feel ... I have had kids in school try to pull my wigs off at school (yes they were nice wigs (about $2,000 to $3,000 each) My mom was a nurse and spent 1/2 her pay on my wigs and supplies when I was a kid ... I have also had people at work make fun of me about the alopecia ... I know it sucks and some days I don't even want to get out of bed ... Some days I feel Ill and don't want to do anything ... But please remember it will make you a better person on the inside ... I don't think I would be as nice inside if I did not have Alopecia ... I think of it as a gift ( and no it's never easy to look at myself) ... I hope you feel better soon ... Thanks and God bless ... (Jim K.)
Comment by Christa M. on January 8, 2010 at 3:49am
Hi Sylvia,
how are you today? I hope that your badest time is over. Happy New Year with plenty of realised projects!


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