I am getting so fed up with my head....and I feel selfish because I havent even lost all of my hair yet. The spots just keep getting bigger, and the hair keeps coming out. I am getting sick of wearing it one way to hide the baldness, but its so hard to just throw your hair the way you want and screw the spots, but then people look and ask and make jokes.....or tell you what you should do to fix it. "dont be so stressed" is what i hear most often....I AM NOT STRESSED!! Its hard to explain that its a condition that there is no control over. AND Im pregnant, so more sensitive to all emotions and I cant do any treatments to try and grow my hair back, all there is at this point is to watch it fall... im unlike some who pregnancy suddenly made thier hair full and wonderful. My armpit hair grows like crazy, and so do my nails...but not my head. uugghhh..... cant i just shave it and start over? Is it too soon to do all this....I have a feeling it will all come out eventually, i just want to scream sometimes.

Views: 5

Comment by Courtney on November 3, 2008 at 7:49pm
ik how u feel. minus the pregnatnt part. im 13. but evryday i want to scream. i have 2 wear a wig and i was diagnosed when i was five. what kinda stress could a five year old possibly have? thats y i dont believe it has a dang thing to do with it. but hang in there, blogging helps. i dont usually blog about my alopecia. i blog about all my other crap so i can deal with the alopecia by myself. just relax and do stuff for urself. always helps me =]
Comment by JeffreySF on November 3, 2008 at 8:43pm
Hi May,

I'm not sure at what stage you are at now with spots but I use to use this product that was awesome.
You can use it while being pregnant too.
www.xfusionhair.info Check it out I loved it. I have heard Biotin shampoo can help with this type of alopecia during/after pregnancy.

Good luck and congrats on the new addition to your family.

Comment by Celeste Edwards on November 3, 2008 at 11:08pm
Hi May!

Congratulations on your pregnancy!! Remember, that baby is SO much more important than this hair stuff!!

Yes, I am RIGHT there with you!! If one more person tells me to stop stressing...I'm going to either scream or spit!! Not sure which!! :) The stress that I'm under IS NOT enough to have caused ALL of this!! And what really sends me over the edge is that I have NO hair on my head ... yet my eyebrows look like caterpillars, I STILL have to shave my legs, pits and bikini line every other day ... WTH!!?? I know with this CRAZY disease I just might be eating those words sooner than later... UGGH!!

I did shave my hair off 3 weeks ago! It was VERY freeing and helped me take back control! But today, I'm missing my hair! I'm just a little sick of always covering my head when I go outside, or wearing a wig....Got my Driver's License changed today so I can vote tomorrow...and of course they ask what's changed ... HUM!! Just put N/A where it has hair color!! IDK, it just set me off!!! ANd my Husband has asked SO many times tonight why I'm in a bad mood ... Where should I start!!??

Know that the MAJORITY of us here know EXACTLY how you feel and what you are going through!! SO feel free to vent ... any time you'd like!


Oh yeah ... go ahead and SCREAM!! It'll do you a hellofalota good!! Promise!!
Comment by juliepeach on November 5, 2008 at 5:25pm
! I haaaate the people who think they are being helpful experts by asking you if you're stressed, or telling you not to stress. They are almost as bad as the people who tell you to get a second opinion because you "look really sick" and your "hair looks disgusting". I've met them. They are horrible. And I look sick because I have hereditary dark circles under my eyes, haha so I'm not thrilled when I get told I look sick/tired.
Comment by JeffreySF on November 5, 2008 at 9:09pm
What ever happened to "If you cant say anything nice dont say anything at all"


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