I am so proud of myself!!! I went out for the first time bald today!!! it wasnt that bad. I am at the beach with all of my family so I figured it would be a perfect time to do it!!! I looked at my husband and brother and said lets go for a walk. They were like ok and I said this time Im going just like I am!!! I was scared yes but it was so worth it!!! only one person was really mean but I didnt let that bring me down!!! I had my two brothers and hubby walking next to me to protect me so I didnt have any thing to worry about!!!!

Views: 11

Comment by kaitlin lavin on June 27, 2009 at 2:31am
i'm so proud of you! i've had au for two and a half years now and haven't had the guts to go out without anything on my head. but with summer approaching, my boyfriend and his family want to take me to waterparks since i have never been to any.. i'm not sure what to do. how would people react. i am very sensitive and can get very emotional if someone says something nasty. i don't want to get upset about it, but i just know that i will. it's something that i'm really trying to work on but has been very difficult. so i'm just wondering how everyone else deals with it. any advice at all would be extremely helpful!!
Comment by Lori Van Decker on June 27, 2009 at 9:06am
Congratulations, Cyndle Mae! You should be very proud of yourself because going out without head covering is a for the first time is a momentous event, and you will always remember it. It took me 38 years of dealing with AA/AT/AU before I had the guts to be bald in public. My first time was somewhat impromptu. I was on vacation with my sister, biking in Acadia, Maine. It was an extremely hot afternoon. We were back at the car after a ride. My bandana was soaking wet under my bike helmet. I couldn't stand it any longer, so I quickly took off the helmet and bandanna and wiped my head with a towel. It felt so good to be uncovered in the summer sun and breeze I forgot that I was in a crowded parking lot. All of a sudden there was a man standing next to me. I almost panicked, but he simply asked me for directions and didn't even make a funny face! In fact, no one else in the parking lot even looked twice. So I put some sunscreen on my head and enjoyed the rest of the afternoon au naturalle.
Comment by Dominique on June 28, 2009 at 4:24am
Congrats lovely! that's a an awesome event!
Comment by Shas on October 30, 2009 at 12:50pm
heyy.. thats awesome about u girl. i kind of did the same thing this summer when me and Elijah(him in my picture) went to the beach. I was kind of scared.. but with him with me, i was good. He said i look great and everything. Just to make me feel better. When we got to the beach, we parked somewhere in parking spot, anyways i stll have wig on me, but i took it off when there was people around. and put my swimming suit cap on so i dont get sun burn.lol didnt have sunscreen with me.. thats how i got burnt in some pictures. lol. Anyways yes, i was scared...but didnt care. I wanted to go and have fun. Which i did. I had a blast.I have some ppl looked at me weird...but i didnt care. I was like whatever. So yeah. I was proud of myself there:) Some day... i would like to walk around with nothing on my head. Just proud of myself of who i am. Some day..:) Almostttt theree.lol


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