this morning i woke up and i wasnt feeling very well, ugh....i looked in the mirror like i do every morning but i noticed something different.....a chunk of my eyelashes were missing....ugh....i called my husband into the room and told him to look, he told me that they were still there and they were just clumped together.....but i know he was saying it just to cheer me up and try and keep me strong about finding it out......ugh.........but i kept telling him they weren't there and now i'm feeling very....well ugh right now.I dont know what to do I already dont have much hair and that is really all I have left and now that im losing that I dont know what to do ......tear*****

Views: 28

Comment by Supermom on June 13, 2009 at 10:25pm
That sucks! Mine started falling out in January and I went with no eyebrows for four months. People said I could draw them on but HOW without looking drawn on??? I just got my eyebrows tatooed on and LOVE it.They honestly look better that my old ones. I know how difficult it is to accept this change and all the changes that are happening but there are ways to make you feel more normal. I completely empathize with you. And sounds like you have a great guy there!
Comment by brenda kay on June 13, 2009 at 10:28pm
i am so sorry to hear that happen to you... what else is this f-ing thing going to take away from me?????? tell you what..... it won't take away my sense of humor. I get a lot of material out of this, being a busy, bald hairdresser...... be strong and face each day, Alopecia cannot take away the wonderful person who you are!!!! bk
Comment by Supermom on June 13, 2009 at 10:55pm
Oops so sorry got my brows and lashes mixed up. But mine fell out the same time as my eyebrows. THAT is hard. I tried a thousand(give or take) times to put false ones on and they never went on right. SOO frustrating. But, I had my eyeliner tatooed on and it made such a difference. I know you don't want to think about them all coming out but at least there is something you can do to feel better. You have my empathy...
Comment by dennis on June 30, 2009 at 12:11am
Im so sorry to hear that.. its awful looking in the mirror and seeing that.. personally when i look in the mirror i feel i lok like an alien without eyebrows.. but theres really good false eyelashes from eylure ( i personally use the naturalites(number 101, and 107 for the weekend) and all my friends comment on how amazing they look.. its well worth a try.
Keep smiling :-)
Comment by dennis on June 30, 2009 at 12:12am
sorry.. i meant to say eyelashes not eyebrows


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