Hi ive had alopecia areata for nearly a year now a couple patches have grown back while others are spreading. I have noticed a patch missing from my wrist but unsure whether its alopecia or not. I'm really worried that i may develop universalis. Just wondering of the people who have universalis how fast did your hair fall out or did it take a long time? Did you start with scalp hair loss, than patches on your body or does it normally go from scalp to facial loss eg eyebrows etc? Did the hair loss on your arms happen like the loss on your scalp, what i mean is did the hair pull out really easily like it does on the scalp? Any help would be much appreciated. I'm losing my mind over this...

Views: 23

Comment by Sherry Washington on July 23, 2010 at 10:32am
I believe everyone probably have a different story. I started battling with hair loss in 1999, then it grew back. In 2004, I began losing all my hair on my head which took a period of eighteen months since I had sooo much thick hair. One day while I was preparing to run in 2005, I noticed the hair on my legs was gone....I never shaved because I loved my hair. Once I stopped the steroid shots, I noticed a couple of eye lashes missing here and there, then my eyebrows was gone. In 2006, I became known as the hairless woman except the Lord has always allowed me to keep two strands of hair on my pinky finger. Today, I noticed three because my hair is starting to grow back all over my head. I know it's easier said than done, but embrace what is going on that way the stress may not escalate your hair loss. Also, remember you are not alone!
Comment by Tallgirl on July 23, 2010 at 11:49am
After a stressful even in Nov. 1997, hair came out quickly, but I only noticed my head until I looked down at my arms in June and realized all was gone. That summer, with so much loss, I was even embarrassed in front of my husband. But hey, the body hair all grew back, and I got sideburns and some ring of white, soft hair on my head. So, who knows?
Comment by Mary on July 23, 2010 at 5:21pm
Hang in there Tim, and just remember that your life will go on and you'll still be you no matter what happens with your hair.

For the 7 years I had small bald spots (before Alopecia World), it NEVER occurred to me that I might lose all my hair. It just wasn't on my radar...I thought I would go on for the rest of my life with just hideable bald spots. I think if I'd seen photos of people with AU I would've obsessed about that happening to me. So in that way, it was good that AW wasn't around yet.

BUT, once my AA did rapidly accelerate in late 2007, I definitely could've used AW! I felt so alone and afraid of what was happening. I didn't discover AW until after I'd shaved off the last of my hair. I wish I'd had this community to help me through it.

So, please try just to take it a day at a time. Whatever happens, you'll be okay, and you will NOT be alone.
Comment by Marisa on October 15, 2010 at 11:31pm
I lost all my hair in 5 days....then my body hair about 1 month later...it was very quick...my hair on my head grew back white and stayed for a year...but then it all fell out in January again...so back to bald...and bare...but it is okay...I am healthy otherwise as far as I know...and I don't have to shave anymore =-) It will be okay....you are not alone....this is a great group of people...


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