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tim's Discussions


Started this discussion. Last reply by Kaz Oct 19, 2010. 4 Replies

Hey all I've had alopecia areata for a few years now but this is the worst it's been. I just started travelling and am living in whistler. I should be having the time of my life but I'm just…Continue

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hey easy going guy trying to deal with the fact that i have alopecia
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Tim's Blog


Posted on September 1, 2012 at 10:57pm 4 Comments

Hey everyone I'm wondering whether anyone who has dark hair and AA has had to shave their hair completely bald? Is it impossible to get rid of the patches of hair that are left? Im asking as i know at some stage in the future i will have to shave my head bald as im going bald naturally anyway. Has anypne ever tried hair removal cream? OR is it possible to shave it all off?

So sick of it!

Posted on September 9, 2011 at 1:00am 3 Comments

Its been a long time since ive posted but im really feeling sick of alopecia right now. I try to forget about it but it just keeps coming back and destroying me from inside. Im nothing like i used to be when i didnt have this fucking stupid condition. I used to be so happy but now i cant even enjoy anything. Im currently in south america and everyday im depressed. Before i left most of my hair was growing back from injections then boom as soon as i stop them alopecia comes back again and fucks… Continue

A few questions

Posted on July 23, 2010 at 8:12am 4 Comments

Hi ive had alopecia areata for nearly a year now a couple patches have grown back while others are spreading. I have noticed a patch missing from my wrist but unsure whether its alopecia or not. I'm really worried that i may develop universalis. Just wondering of the people who have universalis how fast did your hair fall out or did it take a long time? Did you start with scalp hair loss, than patches on your body or does it normally go from scalp to facial loss eg eyebrows etc? Did the hair… Continue

Losing it

Posted on July 18, 2010 at 7:37am 1 Comment

Hey all I've had alopecia areata since september 09 and ive had it twice before that. However this is the worst its ever been. In that short time ive had two large patches go bald and slowly grow back, but the regrowth is very thin unlike other times its grown back thin then got thick really quickly anyone else experience this? As those 2 patches are growing back another patch got large really quickly on the other side of my head getting harder to cover up each day and shedding tons of hair.… Continue

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At 10:51pm on September 1, 2012, JeffreySF said…

Hey Tim,
Stopped in to say hello.
How are things with you and your alopecia?

At 1:41pm on November 12, 2010, hannah sophia holland said…
i know what you mean with the whole superficial society thing, i had a bit of trouble with some guys that were a bit judgemental but i just give as good as i get lol. i don't think it's as bad as all that though to be honest. looking back, i think that sometimes we think its worse than it actually is because we're the ones with e self-esteem issue - which is only natural to say that something negative has impacted on our identity. i don't know if it's different for a guy though with it being a bit more socially accepted for a guy to have a shaved head?!

i used to get so jealous of people with full heads of hair too, i couldnt bear (and still find it difficult) to look at old pictures of myself because even though mine has grown back, it is nowhere near as think and it takes a lot of work with it all beign at different lengths etc.

i think its a case of feeling as though it isnt as good as you, and you shouldnt bedefined by alopecia. you're still you. you've just got a new and very inconvenient challenge.

dont worry about raving on, we all do it lol. its what this site's for :) x
At 4:38pm on October 21, 2010, hannah sophia holland said…
what sort do you have? mine is back now but i lost a little bit at the back of my head a couple of weeks ago si im keeping an eye on it because in my experience, a little bit means a lot after a couple of months. i know what you mean though, i lost about a third of my hair a couple of years ago and i hated it and didnt know what to do! but in my opinion, youv just got to make the best of it because unless doctors or wteva can find somethin actually physically wrong with you, you cant just sit there worrying about it :)
if you ever wanna chat about it though, just message! :D x
At 11:52am on October 20, 2010, hannah sophia holland said…
Hi Tim, thanx for the add hun! How's it goin? x
At 10:13am on July 29, 2010, Shannon said…
Hi Tim,
I can tell that you're really hungry for information. I was like that for a few years. In 2007 I noticed a lot of hair coming out in the shower, but I attributed it to normal hair loss - I had always had TONS of hair. But, by fall I noticed the ring around the back of my head (ophiasis pattern) and there was no denying this was not normal. I had just turned 42 and had never had hair loss before. I spent a lot of $ on homeopathic support and supplements and started cortisone shots in the spring. In May 2008 I had complete regrowth for 4 months, then in the fall, it started falling out again despite continued cortisone. I managed with scarves, etc (I had long hair) and no one could tell. It just continued on a slow steady progression until 2010 in Feb. when I decided that I needed to take control. I bought a wig and shaved my head. Sometime after that I noticed that surprisingly I had no hair on my arms or legs. By April I had lost part of one eyebrow and eyelashes on one eye. Tiny white hairs have regrown on one eye, but they have never thickened or darkened. You'll find everyone's stories are very different. Don't be put off by my story. There seems to be no guide book for this thing and the fact that you're having any kind of regrowth is very different than what happened to me. Keep your spirits up!
At 11:12am on June 14, 2010, JeffreySF said…
Hi Tim,

Stopped in to say hello.

At 10:46pm on January 26, 2010, Susan - Jon's Mum said…
Hi Tim
Welcome to AW
Glad that you could join us here
Hope you enjoy being a member


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