Actress Viola Davis reveals battle with alopecia

According to an interview with Vulture that I found on, actress Viola Davis struggles with alopecia. 

Many have noted that there seems to be an error in the article: The fact that stress does not cause alopecia, but may trigger it.

Viola Davis is a natural beauty, but there was a time when the actress really struggled with revealing what was going on under her wigs. In a recent interview with Vulture, the How to Get Away With Murder star revealed that she was battling alopecia areata, a condition that causes a person to lose round patches of hair from their scalp. Davis was 28 years old when she lost most of her hair to the condition and her confidence took a hit.

"I woke up one day and it looked like I had a Mohawk. Big splash of bald on the top of my head," she said. "I was like, 'What is this?' Until I found out it was stress related. That's how I internalized it. I don't do that anymore. My favorite saying in the world is, 'The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.' I am telling you, I have spent so much of my life not feeling comfortable in my skin. I am just so not there anymore."

Davis said that her alopecia made her cling to wigs and hide underneath them because she didn't feel beautiful in her natural state.

"I wore a wig in the Jacuzzi. I had a wig I wore around the house. I had a wig that I wore to events. I had a wig that I wore when I worked out. I never showed my natural hair. It was a crutch, not an enhancement … I was so desperate for people to think that I was beautiful. I had to be liberated from that [feeling] to a certain extent," she said.

That moment finally arrived when she attended the 2012 Oscars and showed off her natural short 'fro. We have to applaud her decision to "come out" with her natural hair at a time when the whole world would be watching because we can only imagine how big a step that was for her. While she still wears her wigs to work and media events, Davis said she no longer feels like she has to hide under a hairpiece and sees them as options rather than a necessity in her life.

To read the entire interview and learn Davis's 14 steps to happiness, click here.


Views: 5663

Comment by dreamscometrue on March 23, 2016 at 6:52pm

I love this article! and I love that so many sistahs are celebrating their natural hair. I also would love to see sistahs support other sistahs like me who don't have natural hair, or hair at all for that matter. Just as natural hair is beautiful, completely bald is beautiful too. Ask my man :)

Comment by Robin on March 23, 2016 at 7:17pm
I havent had that realization, i dont have hair to go natural nor do I do bald. I do support those who do but on me Bald is anything but beautiful.
Comment by TARA49 on March 23, 2016 at 7:55pm

Well said Robyn

I'd 'come out' if I had very short hair but I have none - and its not a look I want to share.

Comment by Shelly on March 23, 2016 at 8:32pm
I choose wigs and I love them. To each his own. If you like it I love it!! Do you, whatever that might be and respect the next person's right to do the same. Wigs, weave, bald, natural, whatever makes you feel good!!
Comment by youarebeautiful on March 24, 2016 at 12:10am

Thumbs up.

Comment by Cissie55 on March 24, 2016 at 7:58am
I agree with Robin. I got my hair back once. While it was cute & short...... I wore it. However, Bald IS NOT BEAUTIFUL! I don't care what anyone says..... I HATE IT! I chose to where wigs!
Comment by Monie on March 24, 2016 at 8:23am
Stress @ 43 yo triggered AA. Talk about traumatic! At 46 I still struggle w/coming to terms with my baldness. I wear a Freedom Wig and only husband, family and close friends know or have seen me bald. Husband loves it and wants me to embrace it - but I ain't there yet. Maybe when I hit menopause and the hot flashes start - I'll rethink it all. For right now - this is it. I applaud Viola, if I had growth I'd rock it - but I wonder if she would have shown up bald?
Comment by scarredbeauty on March 24, 2016 at 8:37am
I agree it is true a woman's hair is her glory. I tried many wigs, extensions and hair pieces. They all caused my skin and scalp to flare and cortisone injections. In 2013 my dermatologist backed me fir real hair with no fibers , animal hair or Chemicals. I sent to insurance they said gaur loss is cosmetic. For me it was medical it came with depression, low self esteem and aniexty. I researched for two years. Now I import from countries where women cut their hair as a religious sacrifice. I been wearing this hair over a year now. I'm on fixed income so it had to be affordable. Now I have my own hairline for others like me. I can now show myself before and after. Oh I have been take off antidepressants and aniexty site is A woman’s hair is truly her glory.
Comment by Kimberly on March 24, 2016 at 10:41am

There's probably not a person out there that doesn't have some kind of insecurity.  Having alopecia is just one that  causes it.  But, I honestly feel that once a person is open about it, and able to talk about what's going on, it helps to release the anxiety of it, to move on.  Life is too short to let it keep you down, hold you back.  God bless each one. and WAY TO GO VIOLA!!!  She is a beautiful lady!


Comment by dreamscometrue on March 24, 2016 at 12:47pm

I agree with you Kimberly, the only thing holding you back and keeping you from moving forward is that thing between your ears.

I'm sorry, Cissie55, I resent you saying Bald is ugly because I am bald, and I damn sure feel far from ugly! If you feel ugly about yourself, then say that.

I'm bald and I feel good because it beats the alternative. I would never profess something so damaging as that, especially knowing that some young person seeking support or empowerment from an autoimmune disease, has people in that same community emotionally and psychologically beating them up even more on here. Some adults really need to think before they speak, and God forbid if you have kids. I pray for them!


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