A few people have asked about the new Coronavirus (Covid-19) and if we are at more risk because we have alopecia.  I did a search and found this:

Alopecia UK asked two alopecia experts, Dr Matthew Harries and Professor Andrew Messenger for their thoughts:

“Alopecia Areata itself does not compromise the immune system or cause immune deficiency and there is no reason to think that people with Alopecia Areata are more at risk from COVID-19 than the general population, either in terms of catching the virus or being more severely affected by it.

The exception may be anyone being treated with oral drugs that suppress the immune system. These drugs include steroid tablets, azathioprine, methotrexate, ciclosporin, mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) and JAK inhibitors. We advise that anyone to whom this applies should contact their dermatologist. We do not expect that the use of topical products, such as steroid creams or lotions, diphencyprone lotion and steroid injections into the scalp, will increase the risk of infection by COVID-19"

Another question Alopecia UK asked Dr. Harries and Professor Messenger is whether people with no nasal hair are more likely to become infected by COVID-19 said:

“We do not know the answer to this question, and it would be extremely difficult to research it. However, as far as we know, people with Alopecia Areata, including Alopecia Universalis, do not have an increased risk of other viral infections acquired by a nasal route, such as the common cold or influenza.”

Your thoughts?

Source: Alopecia UK - Alopecia and Covid-19 (new Coronavirus)
Photo Credit: CDC.gov

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