SATURDAY, AUGUST 1 will be the 11th annual International Alopecia Day (IAD) - the day to celebrate worldwide who we are.

This year, due to the pandemic, International Alopecia Day organizers request that we all will need to follow CDC and your local health department guidelines about social distancing and safety.

But, even if you can't have the gatherings, events, and parties that some of you have organized in the past, you can celebrate and raise awareness by flooding social media with International Alopecia Day messages and photos on August 1!

BE PART OF THEIR ANNUAL VIDEO by emailing your IAD photos to: between August 1 and August 15.

Mary will personally answer every email. IAD had 41 COUNTRIES represented last year. Please make sure YOUR country is included this year. When you email your photo, please be sure to mention where you live so it can place it in the right spot in the video.

You can be wearing a wig, a scarf, with hair, or bald. The idea is that this video is a SNAPSHOT of us all around the world on this one day. That's why the photos should be taken on or near IAD, and not be ones that you have previously posted or used as your profile photo, or professional portraits.

This is last year's IAD video, for those who haven't seen it:

Remember to share and tag your photos on all your social media pages!



Be sure to also come back and share your experiences and photos of the day here on!

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