Hi everyone...
I have a question about those who lost their eye lashes and eye brows. When you lost them did you lose them all at once or was it gradual? Could you tell you were losing them? Also, when you started to lose them did you have any hair on your head or any fuzz where hair growing in? Once you lost your eye lashes and eye brows did they ever grow back? The reason why I am asking this is because I have AA since I was four and only hair on my head. The other day I noticed some bottom eye lashes missing on one eye but no other part of my eyes or eye brows. I also still have hair on my head not a lot but I have some patches and I also have a lot of fuzz coming in. I am not sure if these missing eye lashes are from Alopecia spreading or if something else happened. If you anyone can give me insight into this I would really appreciate it!! I am really panicking about it.


Views: 65

Comment by panuelo girl on June 21, 2009 at 3:07pm
Susan, you sound a lot like me...not much body hair, never shaved my legs, patchy hair...but this is about eyebrows and lashes. I lost mine 15 years ago when my hair started falling out, but mine grew back. The brows and lashes, anyway. The scalp hair never grew back. But my eyebrows grew back lighter, and sparser, and lower than they used to be. Makes me glad I didn't do the tattoo thing. My lashes are mostly normal but now when I lose one, which is normal, I start to panic thinking they're falling out again. They might. When my brows and lashes fell out, I switched from contacts to glasses to give my face some structure. I really didn't like the way I looked w/o something on my face. Also the lashes protect your eyes a little, so I really needed the glasses to keep dust particles out of my eyes. Anyway, I'm rambling. Sorry. I guess I just want to reiterate that everybody's different, and none of us can tell you what your situation will be, or how you will want to deal with it. Also know that this place is a great resource for products to help you no matter what happens. And support. Keep us posted!
Comment by Karen Grevious on June 22, 2009 at 4:12pm
I lost the hair on my head over several months. I noticed my first bald spot around June or July 2007. By Christmas I had no thing but wisps of hair. I lost my lashes and brows a few months after my hair. I thought they had been spared. It's almost like they fell out over night it happened so quickly. I have one little patch of eyebrow over my left eye that is long and thick. It almost looks like a smudge over my eye. The grey hair, which I didn't have much of, has continued to grow. When I shave my head, the grey hair grows right back. All of my hair regrowth has been patchy, (public, underarm, legs, arms, head). I have lashes growing back in but they are very thin and look almost grey. Now if I had been totally grey like my mother, I would be in good shape. Damn those strong grey hairs.
Comment by Mary on June 22, 2009 at 6:07pm
Hi Larisa...hang in there. I lost my very dark brows and eyelashes about 3 months after I lost all my scalp hair. I was really upset...I thought I couldn't deal with not having my distinctive brows. When I saw the first areas of hair loss in them I got really down.

But, I had tattoos done on the brows before they were all gone so that the permanent make up artist could more or less follow the bio shape, and I had eyeliner done a couple of months later. I've been very happy with this choice. Funny thing is that after a year, I'm growing hair on my face, but it's not even. I now have eyebrow hairs mostly on the outside of one and inside edge of the other, some eyelashes on top, nose hair on one side mainly, and some facial peach fuzz. It's totally unpredictable. Keep in touch with us.


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