One shower and Poof! There went all the rest of my hair! Omg it was scary how much just came out at once! It has been a slow process up until now! This was frightening and a tad sickening. A year of AA and you get used to a lot of hair coming out all the time, but this was....disgusting. =/
I officially can't wear the wig I just spent so much money on because it clips to there is not enough to clip to...Anyone on here who still has hair want to buy a wig? lol
first wig bad planning mark # 24 lol
I had such hope that my hair was done falling out for the most part and was going to come back....Woops was I wrong!

I think stress does have an affect on all this more than we think.
I have been a complete mental disaster over the information that my friend who has been in a coma for 3 months is not recovering and only has a few more days to live. That was the hardest goodbye of my life. I am dreading that call every second telling me he is gone.
I can't find a job, bills are piling up, The pets need food, my parents are on my back constantly about getting happy again and moving on with my life, but now I can't even hide in a wig. I promise them, I would love to be happy again, but its not as simple as snapping my fingers. I Soooo wish I had that power! =D They always ask kids what type of super power would they want...Id still choose the power to be able fly though =p
I have always wanted to be able to fly. It seems so freeing. No boundaries.
Bald flight is a good thing to, more aerodynamic HA! ...made me chuckle lol
I was not a huge christian believer because it was shoved down my throat very strictly as a child and i was quite the rebellious one, but I always, always had my own beliefs and always believed in a god and angels, and hope and faith and all that, just in my own ways more or less...But shit! The whole life is a test and God has a reason for everything and a plan to give you the strength needed to get through life's challenges to teach you something or what ever it is....Can I be done with my lesson for a while!!!!
I know I will get through all of this and time heals all wounds, but OMG! I am seriously done with life crashing.
God please give me a break! I can't seem to get my feet under me long enough to take a full breath here recently.
You can go back to you life lessons in a bit, but please let me rest for a little while!
To handle all my anger and sadness recently, I have picked up running (figured it was a much healthier option than eating everything in site lol) ....well to find out I have something called ERI or exercise-induced rhinitis. Exercise actually makes my nose run like crazy and it becomes difficult to breath properly. LOL ReAlLy! o_O
I regrettably hate to admit this out loud, but I think I need to be medicated.
Are there any stress/ anxiety meds that you can take and function daily. I know Xanax just puts me to sleep. =/
Time to call the Dr. again and hope he is nice with the prices.

If you could have one super power what would you choose? =)

Views: 25

Comment by Jessica on April 21, 2011 at 11:34am
hi LIndsay,

yes, call the wig shop if they made it they should be able to fix something to it so you can still wear it maybe sew in a wig cap or some kind of tabs inside the cap to apple the tape to? chin up chicky hugs...
Comment by steph on April 27, 2011 at 3:35am
Hi Lindsay - I hope things are going better for you now - I worry that one day I too will find the last of my hair sitting on the shower floor - and have a wig for back up ready to go - but not sure about how to get it cut and styled. Small probs in the big scheme of things.
As for super powers - to fly must be like freedom - and so that would be good - wouldn't mind the ability to be invisible and to grant wishes. The ability to be positive and kill the negative thoughts would be good (oh thats right - we all have that ability already just that I have yet to find the switch that keeps it on).

Anyway - chin up. First wish flying your way now (all the way from New Zealand) - "for Lindsay to have a fabulous day, and for a smile to light up her face right this minute!!".
Comment by Vicki H on April 27, 2011 at 4:30am
God love you all ....... If I had a super power I'd like to have the ability to solve the problems of our world and to find the cure Alopecia. I feel so blessed that my AA has allowed me to be a part of AW and given me an insight to so many wonderful supportive and positive people.
Comment by Lexi on May 1, 2011 at 12:52pm
I am so sorry also for all the things you are dealing with. It is now May 1st and hopefully things have gotten somewhat better for you. Just keep God in your heart, your mind, and in everything you do. You will get thru all of what you are going thru. Just reading your post, you did ask about Xanax...sometimes we need a little "help" to get thru the stresses in this life. I did take Xanax extended release, and it doesn't put you to sleep. Check into it.


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