Alopecia started for me last year,at the age of 31. I had long blond hair and it started to fall out. I found handfuls of it on my clothes,on my hands when i washed it, cloged up drains,and i had bald spots that were getting bigger and bigger.Eventually i started wearing a hat cuz of the spots and hair started growing back while the other was falling out so i had new hair when the last bit fell out. So now i wear a knit hat but i have some new hair on the back , top and sides. I have lost my eye brows and one set of eye lashes. My pubs are almost all gone, and hair on my legs has fell out in some places. I thought everything was getting better though. but i have three new spots on my head and when i shower more is in my hands. I feel like im going crazy. i cant wear a wig, it feels too unatural and i cant find a job because of how i look. i wear a hat everyday. my eyebrows havent grown back. I get cortisone shots on my scalp, i guess ill get more next apointment. I need some advice badly!Where can i find friends?where can i find a job?how can i go to grad school?this is the scariest thing ever and i dont know what to do other than trey very hard to find a cause and cure!!what other tests can i have to rule out hormones, or a fungus?Does urine really work?

Views: 22

Comment by cindy Babs on February 1, 2011 at 1:08pm
Amanda. U need to b strong. I know this is the hardest thing you've ever been thru. No matter what life Will get better. Focus on wearing whatever u r comfortable with on ur head.drawing in eyebrows. Have no expectations and you won't b let down. As I understand it wearing a wig/hat. WillNOT affect any growth. Life is not fair. Ur life will get back to normal. Don't let this prevent u from looking for a job as hard as it is. Be strong! You CAN get thru this. Promise. My best to you.
Comment by cindy Babs on February 1, 2011 at 1:13pm
P.s. look up Karen Smith on here. She gets some really nice human hair pieces on line at reasonable prices and has some good advice
Comment by clare majka on February 1, 2011 at 1:34pm
Amanda I can feel your pain as you are going through this ordeal. I started losing my hair last June and basically most of it was gone. I am also getting shots and my hair is coming back but it is patchy the only thing I can say is you have to try and not be too stressed because I feel that makes it worse. Easier said than done right? I can also say I wanted to just go to sleep and wake up when the nightmare was over but through time and a lot of prayers I have been feeling a lot less stressed about it . This website has given me friends And therapy, the frustrating thing about this disorder is that no two people are are the same. We can identify with symptoms feelings etc, but even the doctor can't tell us when its going to get better. I would like to ask you to friend me and I will help you as much as I can please be strong god is looking out for you, don't give up and don't give in to this . BIG HUGS love Clare
Comment by Cheryl, Co-founder on February 1, 2011 at 8:03pm
Hi Amanda, The thing that stuck out most in your post is that you feel you have to give up things since you have alopecia. If there is one thing I learned about coping with this condition, is that if you allow it to stop you from doing the things you love you will resent it. If you find your way to do all the things that you loved, it is then that alopecia will become secondary in your life. There is no reason why you cannot continue Grad School; you just have to find a way to not allow alopecia to stop you. The same thing with finding a job. Find a way to take control of your alopecia and put it in your best light and keep moving forward. If you decide to wear wigs, hats or go without, find a way to work it, own it and don't let it affect your god-given abilities. Know or learn… deep down, that you do not need a head of hair to do any of these things. The only thing stopping us is our mind-set. I truly hope that I am not coming on too strong, but we have to realize that the lack of hair on our heads does nothing to our abilities or potential. Find “your” way Amanda, you will find it very gratifying if you do.
Comment by Natasha Gehrke on February 2, 2011 at 1:35am
It is hard to deal with. Mine started when I was little and fell completely out when I started high school. It is hard to deal with and there are people out there who will be mean. I think that even though this is really hard it makes us stronger, and better people for dealing with it. I have learned acceptance above all else. I shaved my head. It was really hard at first but now my friends can't think of my any other way. Wearing bigger earings or a fancy necklace can draw attention away, and you can really have fun with eye makeup. People didn't start noticing my eyes until my hair fell out. When you go for a job interview explain about what it happening. Make them focus on your good qualities and what a great worker and person you are. I have had trouble getting a job before but when a manager gives me a chance I prove to them that I am worth their time. As for school I do online. It gives me more time with my friends and family. Wherever you go just remember to keep you head up and be confident even when your scared. It will be a hard journey but your friends and family will always love you. As for friends eveyone here is amazing. They understanding and are some of the most amazing people I have seen. You'll be alright. And if you ever need someone to talk to there is always someone here who is willing to listen.
Comment by Jon Knight on February 2, 2011 at 2:42pm
so sorry to hear that. i didnt lose eyebrows, but i was feeling very much like yourself and had no idea how i wouold ever cope with such a condition. Eventually i shaved my hair off but its still patchy and it does bother me.

But i found most people very responsive and understanding. I have gripped the bull by the horns after 4 months of hell and am doing everything in my powers to overcome this. I sa one of the top dermatologists in the Uk and she said its imperative that you exercise regulary, eat a die high in iron, zinc and vitamin c and not to stress out. Im currently awaiting my first steroid jabs as I cant afford to go privately.

I haqve had interviews and job offers as I have been upfront and most people are amazed at how I am coping and getting on with it. employers see this as a example of extreme courage, that you can overcome everything. If your not happy telling interviewer ask you recruitment agent to do it for you.

Dont get me wrong i still have nightmares of my hair falling out and get down every day, but something inside tells me im worth so much more than this.

keep your chin upx
Comment by Mary on February 2, 2011 at 5:45pm
Amanda, please know that you're not alone, and take a look at some of the photos and videos'll see plenty of women who haven't let this stop them from doing anything they want to do. Take it a day at a time.
Comment by N on February 2, 2011 at 9:46pm
Dear Amanda,
Very sorry to hear about your alopecia. I know how hard it must be on you at the moment. My A started when I started the 1st year of undergrad. There were very difficult times, and still today, there are a lot of difficult days that I ask for help here on chat and there are nice people around that make one of your horrible days more tolerable. I was one of those highly sensitive people and it was so hard on me. Firts, I decided not to attend the school and to avoid society to lower the pain especially from all those questions of what has happened to you and etc..
I was pretty sure that I will do a verey strong action if I lose my eyebrows. I couldn't imagine myself in that situation. Soon they felt and I found I can still suvive with not taking a serious action! I also had social anxiety problem which made my case even worse!
After some time, I also learned that I can be a very social and popular person among people I contact with.
It seems that humen being has a higher level of tolerate than he/she thinks.
Today, I have done my PhD and got a very decent Postdoc position, which makes me feel good sometimes. So no need to worry about your grad school or job.
Needless to say...I still have problem to be in a serious relationship and I am still a single! I sometimes feel really bad for myself about that. I know some works and task are more difficult for us but they are not impossible, we will either find a way or make a way!
Comment by Karen Smith on February 2, 2011 at 10:05pm
I am so sorry for what you are going through. Cheryl is right, find a way to feel good about yourself. Putting on a wig was the hardest thing that my daughter has ever had to do. She lost all of her waist length hair her senior year in highschool. It gave her a headache on the ride home from the wig shop. She has become so use to them that she can't sleep without them on. I worried that she would not be able to leave me and be on her own in college. She has done great! She has a boyfriend and gets asked out everytime she goes out without him. She has a ton of new friends. She looks great and knows it. She has some new growth but is not too excited about it because she said that it will be a long time before her hair is as pretty as her wigs. She said if it all grows back and falls out again she will just shave and not put herself through the losing it part. It will get better. I am sorry you are going through this.
Comment by Dominique on February 2, 2011 at 11:16pm
Amanda, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss - and hope you do find a way to overcome the helplessness you're feeling. My biggest advice for you at the moment is to not let it define you. I've never had hair, and at the age of 13 decided I never would wear wigs because (similar to what you said) it felt unnatural and fake. I was me, without hair, and I had to accept that.
It is only recently I've started wearing wigs, and having discussions with my psychologist about how I let a decision I made as 13 years old - define my 'default setting' on who I am and what I should look like (I'm seenig her for completely different reasons - but, big surprise, we talk more about the alopecia than what triggerd me to see her)

I've always lets it define me, and I'm only just realising that, and I think, as a lot of people have already said, the sooner you stop that from happening, the sooner you can just get on with everything else in your life :D


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