Has anyone stopped to think just what went wrong with their immune system in the first place for them to get alopecia?

Can we influence are immune system by what we eat how we think and by what supplements we take? I beleive we can and of course research has proved this. A doctor told me that alopecia is a internal problem expressed externally. I felt this was a little odd at first but began to realise I was going about treating myself the wrong way. What most of us see is the hair and only think exclusively as that as the problem.

However, the internal factors are really the problem ( and is why I'm not a strong beleiver in external topical solutions) We need to rid ourselves of toxins, fungi and metals from our body as they are the culprits of causing our immune system to falter and become strained. There are good supplements out there that can help rid ourselves of these such as pau d' arco, zinc, milk thistle and others. These toxins I had in my body affected my bodys ability to absorb b12 and thus needed shots to correct this. This was becoming more of a widespread problem than jus hair. Yet because hair was the only problem I could SEE I felt that must be my only health concern.

The point I'm making is that health is a interconnected thing and a healthly life style must be adopted in regards to your whole body and mind for you to start to heal yourself and for your alopecia to leave you. The liver must be detoxified and magnesium sulphate is a good way to do this (search the web for a good detox program) Once the toxins, metals, fungi problems are eliminated your hair will start to come back as the immune system will not be under so much pressure to remove these hard to remove pollutants.

I posted blog about CBT- cognitive behavioral therypy and it is definitely a effective way of treating alopecia and improving your quality of life- it is the best method to address the accompanyng psychological issues that occur because of alopecia- anxiety, depression, isolation, no career focus, social anxieties.

Quercitin is recommended because of pectin and acidophillius is good for your gut health as is probiotics. Wheat should really be limited or cut altogether and sugars should be cut down too. You should also keep active playing sports, working out going to the gym etc and doing stuff you love. Alopecia doesen't cross your mind if you keep busy and that is one of the best ways to get rid of it because it will cause a reduction in cortisol the dreaded stress hormone. Haven't heard of how effective blood type diet is in regard to alopecia but does have some good logic to it and might be worth a go considering alopecica is a white blood cell problem.

Finally you should not be afraid to wash your hair regularly and blow dry it on a low heat. This something you really need to do because the hair coming back is going to be stubble and real short and mustn't be clogged. You wash your face everyday right? You brush your teeth everyday? If washing your hair scares you because more hair is coming out it is most likely that your alopecia is onset and that hair would have certainly fallen out regardless of washing or not.

Talked with my trichcolgist the other day and he said some lady had dyed her hair blonde from brown and her hair had grown back. Perhaps just a coincidence but alopecia does have something to do with improper hair colour recognition-melanocytes by the immune system.

thats it for a long rambling post hoped it informed/ helped someone

Carl (p.s sorry about not replying to alopecia world e-mails just busy with my marketing course and stuff still care about everyone hope your all doing great following the above methods really helped my hair growth and now only have a small amount to regrow on neck line from having considerable hair loss on the sides and all of neck and some of back) had steriod shots and they work but only if you address your underlying hair problems mentioned above.

Views: 723

Comment by carl on May 13, 2010 at 8:33pm
I really should check my spelling before I post -believe I can spell it.
Comment by Dana on May 21, 2010 at 3:17pm

I have been searching for people like you! I have the exact thought about alopecia! I have tried a lot of medicines from topical to oral treatment that did not seem to do anything. A little over a year ago I started a gluten free diet on my own. My doctor tested me for a gluten sensitivity problem but it came back I was normal. I stayed on the gluten diet anyways though. I have done a lot of research on how gluten affects the body. 1 in 30 people have a gluten sensitivity problem and do not know it and can have false negative test results. The protein found in gluten can cause the body not to absorb the nutrients it needs. Although I do not have complete pigment hair regrowth within a year I went from completely bald to having a complete head of hair ( 80% non pigmented 20% pigment). From what I understand when your body is effected by something internally it can take a year for it to fix itself. I am now at that year mark everyday I notice more pigment appear! I am unsure about the non pigmented hair and what that means but I do intend to find out! I believe that our only cure is to heal our own bodies from the inside naturally. Medicine for our condition is only a cover up if it even works and most likely have hair loss again.
Comment by carl on May 30, 2010 at 8:55pm
Thanks for the comment Dana. I am just starting a gluten, dairy free program- difficult when you begin to realise gluten and dairy are in a lot of stuff, but whatever works right.

Comment by emmettbrown on November 13, 2011 at 8:59pm

A gluten-free/dairy-free diet works for me, too. As soon as I slip up and eat something I shouldn't, my scalp and eyebrow itch in the areas where I lost hair and a few hairs start falling out in those areas. So no more wheat and dairy for me! Interesting side note: I can have whey protein shakes, so I guess it's only some of the milk product, likely the casein, that sets off my body's immune system.

Comment by carl on November 17, 2011 at 4:14pm

Also, I noticed a slight burn in stomach when I did consume wheat. So I use wheat alternatives wheat free bread, cereal etc


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