I can't deal with this scalp pain anymore...want to die.

I don't know what to do.. I have been suffering from this severe scalp pain and burning, itching, sensitivity, etc... for almost 7 months and am mentally and physically exhausted. Doctor after doctor and no diagnosis. I am sick of hearing that it is anxiety and worrying about my hair. The pain and hair loss go hand in hand so how can they not find something physically wrong? I am loosing my grip on reality and fear that my doctors are ready to send me to the psychiatric unit for therapy. Could this pain be in my mind and the stress is causing my diffused hair loss? I was completely fine one day and the next in pain. I just can't handle not having a diagnosis. It is wearing me down quickly and I am having a hard time thinking that this pain won't go away. I don't want to live like this anymore! I feel so alone and I want to cry and cry... I just don't want to live with this scalp pain and not be able to touch my head. I can't be with anyone because I won't let anyone touch me because it worsens the pain. What am I supposed to do? I am so sick over this and missing work because of appointments and it's financially draining as well. I don't know how much more I can take...

Views: 174

Comment by Rob Scoville on August 17, 2010 at 11:21pm
Have you tried UW Hospital in Madison? I am not sure how far away that is for you but, they have some of the top doctors in the world there. God will give you the answers you need you just need to be patient!!!
Comment by Julie Koch on August 18, 2010 at 5:01pm
I looked them up while looking at dermatologists earlier today... I have no idea who to go to or what kindof doctor I should be seeing. I recently heard of a Trichologist that deals with scalp issues, but there are none in the area. I am so lost and I am seriously having bad thoughts. I can't touch my head or sleep on the back of it. It feels like shards of glass are stuck in my head. I can't deal with it much longer... My psychiatrist is starting me back on a very low dose of prozac. I havent been on anything in a while. I appreciate your input Rob and if you have nay other ideas, I am wiling to listen!
Comment by Heather Bloom on August 28, 2010 at 3:43pm
Hi Jule, I've know we've commented to each other before, but I want to express to you again that I COMPLETELY understand what you are going through! Believe me, I've contemplated the whole suicide thing, but I'm still here. I know that burning pain, except I had it on my whole body! It felt like I had 3rd degree burns, and my skin would turn red. All the doctors said is that it could be rosacea...I still don't believe that. The burning started shortly after my hair started falling out. Anyone I told either thought I was crazy or exaggerating the pain. I, too, was miserable. I didn't want to be around anyone, and basically isolated myself. I worked, but honestly didn't know how I did it. I cried, boy did I cry. Somehow, I also got married in spite of the burning...don't know how that happened either. I guess I was just hopeful that it would eventually stop. It was difficult to wash my hair or my body for that matter.
There are many autoimmune conditions that even doctors are aware of yet. Well, it took a long time, but the burning is subsiding. I don't really have any point I'm trying to make, other than I get you.
Comment by Heather Bloom on August 28, 2010 at 3:46pm
P.S.-Did you get your thyroid, iron/ferritin, ANA and hormones checked? I strongly think that in my case my hormones are the culprit.


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