I'm confused and have an upset stomach

I have a picture of myself on facebook bald as it is the real me of course, I went out on a night out of town and decided to wear my long laced front brown wig,my friend took a photo of me and I thought it was quite pretty so I changed my profile picture to myself and my brown hair, i"ve had many inboxes telling me they think i look prettier with the real me. Now i'm all confused because i read them and think maybe their right and then when i'm done reading i'll head to the mirror and think what's wrong with them whats so pretty about this?
wish I only knew what was best for me instead of always being confused one day i like a wig next i hate them sigh!!!!!!!!
Anyone else out there feel the same way I do?

Peace to you all

Views: 154

Comment by LilyBell*Murphy'sLawLuvsMe on July 8, 2012 at 8:54pm

Hey Lisa I wear a wig all the time so for me not an issue but if one day you like the wig - then wear it that day - if one day you want to go without the wig - then dont wear it that day. You are pretty either way so enjoy both looks : )

Comment by Anne Vanderlaan on July 9, 2012 at 12:32am

I hate to wear wigs but i do it sometimes because I hate being stared at like I am some kind of freak.
You would never know it if you met me and talked to me. I think whenever someone looks different then it comes down to being accepted into a group.
I was all excited because I met another woman who was bald and her husband has never seen her bald. She wears the most stupid looking wigs you have ever seen. They are they kind you buy from the catalogs. You know the kid.
It all comes down to how much you love yourself. I look at your photo and think wow she is so pretty. I did not even look at the fact you have no hair.

Comment by Cheryl, Co-founder on July 9, 2012 at 1:10am

You have the option of either one and you don't have to commit to one or another.
I also agree that you have get to a point that you do what you do regardless of what others think. I have had people tell me that they prefer me both ways. There is no way for me to please everybody. In the end I had to determine what was true to me, which way did I feel most like me? When I made that decision I prepared myself, because I knew that there was going to be consequences (good and bad), no matter what decision I made.


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