I know some of you ladies on this site are stressing lately over having that perfect man unconditionally love you with your alopecia. Don't forget, however, that YOU are still the princess, the woman, the jewel, the future mother to his children, his future companion, etc....and that there is more to consider than that one-hour initial revelation. HE may be a philanderer, addict, poor manager of time and resources, and so forth...so YOU should be the choosy one, not him! Chances are you have been a nun in your social life or so caught up in doctor appointments or hiding that you kept yourself very humble and real, so you actually have a lot of goodness and dedication to give. Don't sell yourself short. You are worth more than rubies, you have endured a lot. That is strength. That is pure. YOU ARE VALUABLE, and have the right to be picky!!!!

Views: 3

Comment by Norm on July 11, 2010 at 7:44am
Well yeah, SOMEBODY's got to make the first move - why shouldn't it be you? And you find out that much sooner whether it's a "goer" or not.... if it isn't, you can move straight onto the next one! What HAVE you got to lose?? (or, as you might say to French artists, "What have you got, Toulouse?") :)
Comment by kastababy on July 11, 2010 at 11:47am
I couldn't agree more!!

A piece of advice that one of my closest girlfriends gave me years ago that in the wake of my own nasty breakup a few months ago I finally took and couldn't be happier that I did: Go on dates with yourself. Don't be afraid to go out to dinner by yourself, go to a movie or a museum or concert by yourself, and have the time of your life!! Men like confidence, and not only that, but you find out what you definitely like and don't like as an individual. When you know all about YOU, then you can set the proper standards for someone else.

Have a great Sunday!!
Comment by Clara S. on July 11, 2010 at 9:35pm
Agreed! I started dating my current partner when my Alopcia areata started to get really bad but he genuinely couldn't care two hoots about it. I think the most important thing is knowing what you want from a relationship and when you meet the right person, everything else falls into the place naturally!
Comment by Cheryl, Co-founder on July 12, 2010 at 12:25pm
All of us have much more to offer than a head of hair and to really think that hair is the attribute that is going to make the difference is short sighted. I searched for a good man period. And rj searched for a good woman period! Surprising enough, hair was nowhere on the list for either of us ;)


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