Tomorrow My husband,my oldest daughter and myself are going to buy her grade 8 grad dress. This is going ot be my first time going shopping since i've started losing my hair.Yes it's covered however i'm sure most of you know what I mean, it's still not the same, its NOT mine!!
I'm looking forward to being with my husband to do this but at the same time i'm NOT ,all those gorgeous girls be around shopping and brings me to think,my husband could have alot better than me.This morning I already have knots in my stomach and have already secretly had a cry this morning.
I know that thinking like this cannot be healthy for the soul and it will only make me sick but I CAN'T HELP IT!
Last night I noticed a small patch forming at the crown of my head as I brushed my hair before bed, seeing this I felt sick ot my stomach.

I look forward to my week-ends being quiet but not the shopping part!
I love you all on here and i'm grateful I can come on here and share my feelings without being judged or critisized.

As my father in law says to me all the time
Have a great week-end Everyone

Views: 3

Comment by Sam G on June 4, 2010 at 12:52pm
Lisa-Lynne, your husband is lucky to have you! When you go shopping he's probably looking at all the handsome men around thinking my wife could have anyone of these men and she chose me. The people I truly love are not people who have perfect hair, they are people who I laugh with and cry with. This phase is pants but it will get better as you accept it. I go out now looking like a cat with mange - bald bits, short bits, white bits, dark bits and I've decided I look fabulous and nobody will change my mind. Sending you lots of love a support. xxx
Comment by Dana Kozlowski on June 5, 2010 at 8:36am
I started to loose my hair at the end of March. It started on fairly large batch and a few smalls ones ........of course worried. I could still go out without anyone noticing. Then within a few weeks I just started developing spots on the top which was freaking me out since I work at a hospital with some rude women and I thought immediately one would question what is wrong. My life for weeks consisted of crying everyday. My boyfriend kept telling me I was beautiful and hair or no hair he loves me. It didn't matter I could not get past these emotions! I am finally accepting this has to take its course and I need to relax well that seems to be good news since my shedding has slowed down and my emotions are under control a bit. I take time to relax. I wear a hair piece and bandanas when I need a break. This takes times and a good support to feel somewhat whole again. You will get through this and we are all here to listen and help!
Comment by Norm on June 5, 2010 at 8:53am
A Very Wise Old Man (well, OK, it was me in one of my more thoughtful moments, so forget the "Wise" bit) told me that there's no point worrying about stuff you can't affect or change. And, for once, he was right... Yes, it's hard, but once you realise there's nothing you can do, you hit a kind of inner clam... (Clam?? CALM!!! :) ) and you start to just go with it. And then, once you've realised that no-one else is bothered, you chill a little and start to remember all the good stuff in your life... so in some ways, the "bald" thing actually enriches you more. It's just that first "stepping back" that's so hard.
But as Dana says, we're here to help... and Karen, your daughter's outlook is ACE. Just wait till she gets past the "annoying" to the "hey, this is actually rather cool" stage... :)


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