In May of 2006 my husband was walking up the steps as I was sitting on the steps. He shockingly said "Um you have 2 bald patches on your head what the heck did you do?" not believing him, I went to look for myself. Sure enough, 2 quarter size bald spots, I immediately called the Doctor, not knowing why this would happen to me. My family Doctor sent me to the Dermatologists, who told me I had Alopecia Areata. The dermatologist put many steroid injections in my scalp, gave me topical solution and instructed e to go to a health food store and buy Biotin supplements. I had no idea what this medical condition was, never had seen nor heard of it. When I arrived home, I immediately logged onto my computer and started researching Alopecia. With-in a few days, I noticed a few more bald patches. The bald patches were happening fast, more and more kept appearing. I asked my family Doctor to send me for a second opinion to another Dermatologist. This Dermatologist said not to worry we can fix this, you'll get your hair back, he then asked "By chance, did you go through a traumatic stressful experience approximately six months ago. My eyes welled up with tears, was this the answer? And how could he be dead on? He prescribed prednisone, after a month of taking that and no improvement, I called it quits. I went back to the original Dermatologist so that he could see how fast I was actually losing my hair. He told me there was only one medication he could try, a medication used to treat Chron's disease, but has shown hair growth in patients. If this didn't work, there was nothing else he could do. By the end of July I had completely lost all of my hair everywhere! Nothing was working and my Family Doctor performed many test, tested me for lupus, tested my thyroid etc. He decided it would be a good idea if he sent me to the University of Michigan. I attended that appointment, only to face more disappointing news, "There was simply nothing they could do for me." I was tired of trying and frankly sick of feeling like a guinea pig.
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