I will start by saying that I have several scarves that I wear on my head when I am running errands or exercising. I recently moved from a suburb North of where I live to inside the city. The suburb is about 40 minutes from the city so that will give you some idea how far apart they are located. Here is a reminder for me as to why not assume why someone is looking at you...

On Monday, I went to my old home in the suburb to clean it out. I ran to Target to get something to take a break from cleaning. Once I was done, I went to my new home in the city. That evening I decided to go to Starbucks for a drink. As I am walking up to the door, a little girl looks at me then turns to her Dad and whispers something. They both look at me then she notices that I was watching then turns away. I thought to myself, she must have asked him if I have cancer. While I am waiting for my drink inside, the little girl comes in and goes up to a woman, her Mom. She whispers something to her Mom. I then hear "why don't you ask her". I think, oh no, please don't ask if I am sick or have cancer. I know little kids will be blunt and say what is on their mind. I understand that so I don't get mad if they say something. Then I hear the woman say "Ma'am". I turn, and she says "were you at Target today". I said "in ____, yes I was". Turns out the little girl is obsessed with scarves and hats! She loves them. She noticed me in Target then she saw me in Starbucks. I guess her parents didn't believe her that I was the same person. I told her "you have a good memory". It touched my heart. She was so cute, and she had good intentions. I felt so bad that I was assuming the reason why she was looking at me. Why not start assuming the reason is because I am beautiful inside and out!

Views: 10


Comment by Calipso on June 2, 2011 at 10:21am
Great! we have the same mind set:) Let's try not to assume anymore, I bet it will be easier.
Just hard to start...
Comment by Chefpam on June 2, 2011 at 5:46pm
Aw, how sweet....You are beautiful.period...
Comment by Andie on June 2, 2011 at 8:11pm
I love this. A change in perspective can make all the difference. Good for you! :-)
Comment by margaret staib on June 3, 2011 at 7:23am
That is such a sweet story! I too walk around my town with the many scarves and "think" people are looking at me. I will hold your story in my heart. My friends always say to me, did you ever think that maybe they are thinking wow were did she get that cool scarf? :)
Comment by Alliegator on June 3, 2011 at 12:27pm
Thank you all!

Margaret... Exactly! or where does she get her hair done. I remember now that I had a different woman ask where I got the same scarf from the story above... guess I should wear that one more often. :) And yesterday, a coworker of mine asked where I get my hair done. I told her my story so now one person knows about it where I work (Just started new job).
Comment by margaret staib on June 3, 2011 at 1:44pm
Good luck on your new job and just keep being fabulous! :)
Comment by BTB (John) on June 5, 2011 at 8:29am
The moral of your story is so on the ball very inspiring how the little events in our lives can have huge ramifications for our self image
. Great post John
Comment by Michelle on June 7, 2011 at 4:20pm
So sweet! Thanks for sharing!


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