Just wondering,
Is pretty much everyone that is on here (this site) bald or wears a wig or scarf as their daily routine?? Are there any members that have AA and still have hair that they can wash and wear out in public still. I was told there are people like that with AA but I have not run into any people like that on here at all. Mostly everyone is bald or wears wigs. Once you are AA are you just gonna be AT and AU for sure and it's only a matter of time?? I was told different before but now I'm thinking that will be my destiny. Thanks for the honest feedback!

Views: 16

Comment by Katie on May 9, 2009 at 5:07pm
Hi Melissa,
I found my first spot in Nov. it grew back in by Dec. Went to have my hair colored, and a few days later 2 new spots started, bigger then the first one.About a month ago noticed a new spot on the back of my head. For now(THANK GOD) my hair has stopped falling out and is starting to grow back in.I am lucky I do not have to wear a scarf or a wig, my own hair can cover the spots! I sure hope this info helps you out
Comment by Tallgirl on May 9, 2009 at 6:53pm
I think many people worldwide don't even know about this site or even the name of what they have. Also, maybe people here are ones who are driven more by extreme cases, serious need, more intense desire for community, etc. I had AA, regrowth, AU then AT. Go figure. No one can speak for all of us...we are all different. The answer from one won't be the answer for all. NO ONE KNOWS!!!!!!
Comment by Natalie on May 9, 2009 at 6:56pm
Hi Melissa- I had AA for over 8 years and was able to effectively cover my bald spots until the beginning of this year. As my alopecia progressed, I made the decision to shave it all off and get a wig because I couldn't cover my spots anymore. Good luck and feel free to ask me any questions :)
Comment by Meghan on May 10, 2009 at 12:36am
Hey.. I have AA and am able to cover it still with my own hair. I have 3 spots.. and very long hair so my spots don't show. Ive only had AA since February, so who knows what is in store for me?
I have heard numerous times that AA is the common form... and AT and AU are the less common forms. Just because you have AA, it doesn't necessarily mean you are going to become AT or AU.
Comment by Tenille Gee on May 10, 2009 at 10:50am
I have had AA for 15 years or so and until the last few months it was enough to cover the rest of my scalp and not show through, within the last few months it was getting to the point that I thought that it might show through so I started to wear a wig, just in case. I made the decision to shave it even though it was covering enough that I could still go out in public simply because I was self conscious about it and didn't want people to see it like that. I shaved my head just on Wednesday of my own free will, it was still covering but like I said, I felt self conscious. I don't know yet if it will be progressing to AT or AU, currently I am still AA and doing fine.
Comment by Linda on May 11, 2009 at 11:12am
Hi Melissa, I've had AA for about 44 years, one large spot in the back of my head and two spots over each ear. I've always been able to cover them with my own hair and have never progressed to AT or AU although that would be fine with me. Last year in July, I shaved my head completely bald and that is how I go out in public each and every day. I guess it's different for each of us...
Comment by Diana on May 11, 2009 at 11:47am
Hi Melissa... I had AA when I was 10 lots of patches had shots, never saw any patches for almost 30 years then at age 39... AU within a month... all gone... so I think we are all so different.... hope that helps
Comment by Dielle on May 11, 2009 at 2:55pm
The truth is doctors really have no clue about what this disorder is,how it starts, how to treat it, or how it progresses. Everyone is completely different. Really I think there is only alopecia with different stages. I think some people go through all the stages, others only go through some, and there are some people that get to a certain stage then regrow all of their hair and go into a sort of remission. My first episode was when I was 2 years old, at first I only had patches, then it progressed to almost completely bald, and then I regrew everything at 4 and didn't start losing my hair until I was 12 years old. I have now been totally bald for 5 years, with only my eyelashes left.


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