September is Alopecia Awareness Month - 30 Days, 30 Facts: Spreading Alopecia Awareness

30 Days, 30 Facts: A Social Media Initiative

One innovative way to participate in Alopecia Awareness Month is by joining the "30 Days, 30 Facts" campaign. This initiative involves sharing graphics that feature a different alopecia-related fact each day of the month. Here's why this campaign is so impactful:

Alopecia Awareness Month is an annual campaign that takes place in September, dedicated to raising awareness about alopecia, a condition that affects millions of people worldwide. While some people may be familiar with the term alopecia, many are unaware of the various forms it can take and the profound impact it has on our lives.


These graphics serve as bite-sized pieces of information about alopecia, covering various aspects of the condition. They educate the public on what alopecia is, its different forms, and the challenges individuals with alopecia face.


Visual content is highly engaging on social media. People are more likely to interact with and share graphics, which can lead to a broader reach and more significant impact.

Conversation Starter:

Sharing these graphics can spark conversations about alopecia. People may ask questions, seek more information, or express their support for those affected by the condition. This dialogue is essential for dispelling myths and promoting understanding.


When people across the world share these graphics simultaneously, it creates a sense of unity and solidarity within the alopecia community. It shows that people from diverse backgrounds care about this cause.

Getting involved in the "30 Days, 30 Facts" campaign is easy:

Download and share the Graphics. 

Below are 7 graphics for September 1 – 7, we will be uploading 7 graphics each week.   Be sure to use the hashtags #AlopeciaAwarenessMonth, #alopeciaworld to connect with others participating in the campaign.  And don’t forget to Alopecia World (@alopeciaworld) in your posts too! 


Alopecia Awareness Month is a crucial opportunity to shed light on a condition that affects millions of us. By participating in the "30 Days, 30 Facts" campaign and sharing on social media, you can play a vital role in dispelling myths, reducing stigma, and showing support for those with alopecia. Let's come together to make a difference and spread awareness about alopecia throughout the month of September and beyond. Together, we can make a positive impact on the lives of those living with alopecia.

Views: 240

Comment by kastababy on September 7, 2023 at 10:48am

When will the new graphics be posted?


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