Let me start by saying that I love my Mom to death and she is wonderful to me. She always listens but in this one area, it has taken time for the support that I needed. When I first started having hair loss problems, I had to go see a hair specialist in another city. I really wanted for my Mom to take me, but my grandmother ended up taking me. I started using Rogaine immediately. My hair loss didn't start to really bother me until a few years later when I felt like it was becoming more and more noticeable. As time went on, my part seemed to be getting larger and larger. I would call my Mom and talk to her about it and she would say "it's just hair". I remember one time she even told me I was being vain. In her mind, that may have been the way she could offer support, but I needed a different type of support. I think part of me wanted to feel justified in the way I was feeling. Back at that time, I didn't know of websites like this that could offer the support that I needed. I will never forget... a year ago I went with my Mom to this water park/hotel for a few days. After going swimming, I went to the room to change. I went into the bathroom and I don't know if you all have noticed but the lighting in hotel bathrooms is horrendous! I looked at my hair, and it was like my scalp was shining bright. I started messing with my hair, and no matter how I fixed it, i felt like my scalp was showing all over the place. We all sat down to relax and I brought it up to my Mom. I started crying and she told me again that "it's just hair". Cut to months later, I went to a wig store with a friend and bought my first wig. My Mom was sooooooo supportive that day. She asked me to send her pictures of the wigs I was trying on that day. She lives in a different town than me which is why she was not there. I sent her a pic of the one I bought and she said she loved it. I think she knew it was going to make me feel better. Then a few months after that, she told me she wanted to buy me a wig for Christmas!! I was so excited! She took me to a wig shop where she lives and we were there like an hour trying on wigs! It was so wonderful. I felt like I really had her support. She was asking the sales person questions and finding ones for me to try on. Cut to this week, my Mom watched the movie "My Sister's Keeper". She told me I should watch it because the girl in it wears some neat hair peice that she can braid and wear a hat over it. I thought that was so nice that she noticed it in the movie and told me about it. However, there was a different scene that I noticed in the movie. I don't want to give anything way, but the girl is bald and doesn't want to go outside one day. The girl says "everyone will stare at me" or something to that effect. The mother walks straight into the bathroom and shaves her head! I started crying!! I thought that was so amazing. For all these years, my Mom has told me that "it's just hair". And she has told me she would shave her head in a heartbeat. Sometimes I wish she would shave it for me to show me that if she can walk around with a bald head, so can I. I know there are many women out there who don't need their Mom to do that for them. But I think if my Mom were to do that, that is just the kind of thing that would jump start me to do it also. I can't help but wonder, has anyone out there experienced someone shaving their head for them?

Views: 7

Comment by Alliegator on July 22, 2010 at 11:19pm
My Dad probably would have told me the same thing but he is already bald. Lol. You were lucky to have such a supportive dad and mom! That was nice she was always searching for cures even while sick. After loosing her hair, she probably saw first hand how you felt. My Dad is the one that did the searching for me. I hope one day there will be one for all types of Alopecia.
Comment by Tallgirl on July 22, 2010 at 11:37pm
At the Barcelona Olympics, the entire USA volleyball team shaved heads in support of the one Olympian on the team with alopecia.
Comment by Margarita on July 25, 2010 at 2:46am
My mom has always said that same phrase "it's just hair" to me too. She tried her best to never make me feel sorry for myself ( which I did) by giving examples of crippled people she knew, people with cancer, etc. When I was at my worst, I dismissed her supportive ways telling her "you have no idea what it feels like." and she would tell me that if she could, she would give me her hair. I was so down in the dumps back then I didn't take it to heart - but thinking about it today, she really would because she loves me, just like your mom loves you, regardless of her shaving her head for you or not. Who knows, maybe she's saving it for this year's Christmas gift? ;)


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