Typically, I like to write about hair loss but I just saw an article that caught my attention. Crystal Renn is making a name for plus size models and I think it is WONDERFUL! You go Crystal!! People.com has an artice about her because some photos were recently retouched of her that she did not approve. I think it is so great what she is doing! It seems to me that lately, I have seen more and more articles or pictures of Crystal. Someone in magazines needs to be a positive role model for young girls. I have a younger sister and I don't want her to ever think she needs to be stick thin. Actually... Crystal Renn shouldn't even be considered plus size because to me, she is normal! It is just sad that models who wear a size 10 or 12 are called plus size. I think if you feel good and are healthy, that is all that matters! If you've got it, flaunt it. Women with curves look better in bikinis than the models do!! I hope more and more models like Crystal come forward and maybe one day the stick thin models will be told to gain weight.

Views: 1

Comment by Amber W. on July 23, 2010 at 2:42pm
I saw an article about that same topic. They had also mentioned how "plus size" starts at a size 8. Size 8! That's so ridiculous. In that same article, Crystal had mentioned the idea of all models - plus size and stick-thin alike - should just be called models. There should be no categorizing them. Amen to that!
Comment by Tiffany P on July 23, 2010 at 2:49pm
Did anyone see the article about britney spears hair? they showed the back of her head and it looks as if the extensions that she has been putting in her hair is thinning it out a little but the point is they made a big deal out of it. Oh and saw that artiicle too she came from being very unhealthy to taking care of herself and people still had something to say, people are so judgemental its very irritating to say the least.
Comment by Alliegator on July 23, 2010 at 2:55pm
Size 8! That is extremely ridiculous! That is a good idea, no categorizing them.

<~~~size 12 and happy with my curves! :) I even embraced a nickname back when I was in college... tigobitties. Lol.

I didn't see that. It's like.. leave her alone. But unfortunately, that is what happens when you are known around the world. They are judgemental for sure.
Comment by Norm on July 27, 2010 at 12:13pm
Where did all this cr*ap regarding size and hair come from?? There was a time when curvy women were the most desirable.... in the real world, methinks that's how the vast majority of men prefer them. I'm not talking "obese", just sleek, curvy, cuddly, .... Rubenesque? :)
And the hair thing.... what's so unattractive about a bald head? Looks fine to me... then again, I see one in the mirror every morning. Maybe I should have a sex change, then I could fancy meself. ;)
Comment by Tallgirl on July 31, 2010 at 9:12am
I must have missed that one...I read just about everything, and was in the middle of reading a comment the other day when WHOOSH! It suddenly disappeared! I think it may have had that bomb implode it!


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