TikToker showing off her hair growth after starting a new miracle alopecia drug - Before and After

The TikToker compiled a video showing weekly hair growth progress.  I am not going to lie, it is impressive.  But for many seeing is believing.  Are you currently using it and getting similar results? No results?  or just your views on why you wouldn't try it.

"People with alopecia are going viral on TikTok after sharing their apparent successful hair growth journey, thanks to a new miracle drug."

"TikToker Celine Keely usually posts videos wearing different wigs as she reviews books on the app, but this time she revealed her nearly bald head to share the amazing progress she’s allegedly made while taking Olumiant, also known as baricitinib."

"In the TikTok video, a smiling Celine shows off her hair growth every week for two months while taking the new drug."

@celinekeely I am so nervous to post about anything alopecia related, but this is the content I was desperately searching for when I started Olumiant. I’d like to give that to somebody. #olumiant #alopeciaareata ♬ original sound - Celine
TikToker UPDATES her hair growth after 4 months of starting a new alopecia drug - Before and After.

Views: 1667

Comment by AAB on December 22, 2022 at 3:18pm

I'm a 60 year old man. I've had an ophiasis type alopecia areata for 30 years. Nothing ever worked, and yes it bothered me even at my age. For a year now I've been on Xeljanz and then Olumiant. I now have full hair for the first time in thirty 30 years.

Comment by Kat on December 22, 2022 at 6:10pm

I am a 65 year old women who has had Totalia for 10 years. Tried everything and nothing worked. Olumiant is truly amazing. Have a full head of hair. 

Comment by Elizabeth W on December 22, 2022 at 11:13pm

It's being used for Alopecia Areata, but would it work for scarring alopecia?

Comment by Pat on February 24, 2023 at 9:49pm

I am amazed at the progress and the others comments. It seems to be working for all who try it! I've had AU for over 30 years, now in my 70s. Should I bother? Side effects if any?

Comment by big2_boy on February 25, 2023 at 9:39am

But is it last after stopping it ?


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