Well...it has been quite awhile since Ive written on here. Lots of growth, and lots of self love since.

Last July 2nd, while in the midst of a week of overnight pet sitting gigs, being very sleep deprived, I went outside with nothing on my head. I usually wore a wig or a bandana or something. Very rarely went out with a bare head. As I was walking the dog I was caring for, I was thinking, okay, maybe no one will be out. As soon as I thought that, people started walking by or driving by. They all stared. Or so was my perception. At the end of the street there was a public works guy doing something with a water meter. He actually stopped working and stared. I have no idea why he stopped, but this set me off. I felt so ugly and horrible, I started crying and turned around, heading back inside out of the view of others.

After a few hours and a nap, my view changed. I decided I did not want to be that way. I did not want to feel I had to hide my head because it had no hair. I wanted to embrace my beauty, all of it. Since it was July 4th weekend, I decided to declare my independence and go bald for the whole weekend.

Almost a year later, I still go mainly bald all of the time. :-) I have gotten so much positive feedback, and it has been so freeing, I dont think I will go back to wearing wigs. I have had people stop me at the farmers market and say "You ROCK that look, girl!" I have people tell me they're jealous that I can feel the rain on my scalp and they cant. I feel so much more confident.

And last month, I had a chance to have my head painted. It was an incredible experience. I felt so beautiful, deep down I *knew* I was beautiful :-) I havent had many moments in my life where deep to my core I knew I was beautiful.

Going bald is not easy. Yes, people will stare, kids will look at you funny, and usually, thankfully, they will ask. I *love* when kids ask me why I have no hair. They usually say "Oh, okay." and move on to the next thing.

The hardest thing for me is when people think Im a cancer patient, and either give me a thumbs up and say "Youre a fighter, youll win" or something similar. I feel like I need a sign that says "It isnt chemo, I have alopecia- ask me about it" But, I cant wear a sign- I *wont* wear a sign. Perhaps a sign that says "Dont assume, ask me why Im bald" would be better?

Yes, I still have occasional "ugly" moments, but they are fleeting. I have times when Im at the farmers market and people stare at me. I realize that I stare at them many times too, envious of their long beautiful shiny hair. So it works both ways.

It isnt for everyone...but I am so glad I have found the courage to do it. It has changed my life, and many of my ways of thinking, about myself and the world around me.

Views: 10

Comment by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on April 14, 2011 at 11:02am
Congrats!!! and indeed you are beautiful. You are doing what Im working to. I take my dog for walks mostly without a hat or scarf on (I keep one with me just incase, but just incase I start to feel cold. We are just starting our spring weather here in canada) I stopped wearing wigs as of X-mas and I look forward to more warmer and warmer weather.
Comment by Jasmine on April 14, 2011 at 3:31pm
Way to go Patricia..Now thats inspiring..!! We are beautiful. And yes those t-shirts would be awesome.
Comment by Tiffany P on April 14, 2011 at 4:22pm
I love your attitude and outlook and yes people can be rude at times but i think sometimes they dont even realize they are staring its like when i was a kid and one time there was a guy in a wheelchair with no legs and i was just so curios and just taken back that i stared and my mother had to gring it to my attention that it wasnt polite but the guy just smiled at me and kept going. anyway i used to stare at peoples hair but i have been able to break myself of the habit i realize we will all want something someone else has, while im staring at thier hair they could be staring at my ability to stop following what society tells me what i should look like or have and rock the bald look. take care :o)
Comment by Mary on April 15, 2011 at 1:35am
Way to go! Your experience sounds a lot like mine. At first, I thought everyone was staring at me, but then when I started going everywhere bald and just acted like it was no big deal, other people seemed to act the same way. Yes, I get cancer questions - I made some "business cards" about alopecia to hand out.

I LOVE your suggestion for a sign or T-shirt, Patricia! I made one that says "Yes, I'm bald...get over it!" Yours is nicer.

International Alopecia Day is Saturday, August 6 this year. Please join the group here on AW, and send me a photo of you out somewhere on that day...alone or in a group.

The more of us who are OUT there, the less of a remarkable sight bald women will be. It's up to us.



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