Lisa-Lynn Marini's Comments

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At 7:38pm on May 04, 2011, onekeylady gave Lisa-Lynn Marini a gift
Way To Go!!!! Love the pic!
At 7:24pm on May 2, 2011, onekeylady said…
I was just looking at your photos. You look great! I have not shaved my head yet as I want to see if any of it is going to grow back in since this flare up has only been a month now. I have about 3 half dollar size spots, on the sides and low back of the head. But then there are several quarters/dimes and nickles thru out the top and back crown. The ones in the back crown have all grown together now so that it looks like someone took a razor and shaved a streak thru the crown and half way down the back. Then of course several more dime sizes thru the sides and back. I am curious as to how long your spots have been there? And how many times if any has yours come back? Not sure when to give in and just shave it off since this is only the second flare up?
At 10:36pm on April 28, 2011, onekeylady said…
I am doing great. 2nd day of wearing scarves to work, so getting the stares and glares...LOL! Told them I had AA but NO I don't drink. HAHAHA I love making them laugh with me. Laughter is the best medicine for everyone.
At 1:50am on April 28, 2011, Cheryl, Co-founder said…
Hey Lisa, I wanted to stop by and say heh! We really appreciate all of your input!
At 8:32pm on April 26, 2011, Aunt Janet gave Lisa-Lynn Marini a gift
At 10:54pm on April 25, 2011, Mary said…
You're doing great, and you have so many people here on AW who understand and support each other. AW didn't exist when I was first going through my hair loss and dealing with being bald. I'm so thankful for this community and my friends here.
At 6:53pm on April 25, 2011, Mary said…
Thanks, Lisa-Lynn. Three years ago I wouldn't have imagined going "out" would just become normal for me. But, it has. Good luck on the journey. Mary
At 4:10am on April 22, 2011, Pat said…
Well thanks Lisa you're a beautiful woman too. I love your white cat! I had one just like it with one blue and one brown eye. Apparently a lot of white cats have different coloured eyes.
At 11:34pm on April 20, 2011, Pat said…
Hi Lisa thanks for the friend ad. I really like the darker wig on you and also the curly one is cute. What was the colour of your natural hair?
I understand your getting depressed over this disease, it's not much fun that's for sure. It's a progression towards acceptance and it can't be rushed. We all get there in our own time. I used to have panic attacks that kept me housebound for a long time, or I would only go out with my husband. Even nowadays I can feel quite over sensitive of the environment when I'm out and about. Mostly I'm okay but let me tell you it's taken years :) Glad to make your acquaintance here on this wonderul site.
At 5:34pm on April 13, 2011, liselle said…
Hi Lisa
I hope you are well.
Please join up at
A fabulous forum, run by kathy Tonkin, who also owns Gallery of Wigs.
A lovely helpful group of women, who have YEARS of experience/knowledge.
Just ask away.... all questions you have.
At 5:20pm on April 13, 2011, R0BB said…
Hang in there Marini - If you jump ship ...we'll all jump ship ...It'll be ANARCHY !!
At 4:55pm on April 12, 2011, Christy Ingram said…
Thank you for accepting my request! And Thank you for the compliments. You look pretty in your turban! I am seeing more and more people wearing these and scarves, as well as bb caps and am wondering is it just for fashion? I have been afraid to ask. Maybe a good thing with alopecia is in the summer we won't get as hot? This will be my first without any hair, unless it decides to grow back. Alopecia sure is an emotional roller coaster! AW is one of the main things thats helps me most, especially on the not so good days. Hope your days get better and better!!!
At 4:54pm on March 31, 2011, Devin said…
Hey LL Marini, thanks for the add. I was just trying to cheer you up like everyone on here does, but I do understand what your feeling and I hope and I know that it will get better with time. I also wish I could post a pic on Facebook like you did. Not many people even know about my hair on Facebook, but maybe you have inspired me… someday.
At 10:39am on March 31, 2011, Julie G said…
I have had my many days of being down because of my hair and self image. My self image has improved after I have gotten my wig, but I still have my moments. I have somewhat come to terms with my alopecia this year. I decided that my treatments that I was trying was just postponing the inevitable, so I decided to stop all of that and take back control.
Thanks for the compliment on my picture, that was the day I got my wig. It was a BIG day for me, the next day was big too for me cuz that was when I buzzed my hair.
I wish you the best of luck and that you have many many better days! Keep your chin up and your head held high and a smile on your are beautiful!
At 4:22pm on July 4, 2010, Chris Jeffer said…
Hi Lisa-Lynn,

I write a blog on alopecia and while I was doing some research today, I found this on YouTube. I have read Dr. Lipton's book and many of Wayne Dyer's books and really believe that we can heal from anything. It is through our beliefs and perceptions (not our genetic composition) that healing occurs, and for some reason as I was reading this, I thought of you. I hope this this will give you hope as much as it has given me inspiration:
At 5:47am on June 19, 2010, lucey smith said…
Thankyou for tht comment made me smile (:
ive got to go see a skin doctor about it all and hopefully that will make me better aswel
it great talkin to you (: x
At 6:23pm on June 6, 2010, Norm said…
Hi there Kiddo, and Big Ta for the friend add! It's great to see the changes in your posts, from "depressed and desperate" to "wary but hopeful", and even, dare I say it, "much happier"? :)
Hang in there, keep talking, and one day, while you may not be ecstatic about alopecia, you won't care half as much.... betcha!
Hugs - Norm xx
At 3:33pm on June 5, 2010, Sanah Jivani said…
Thanks! I really need an occaisonal reminder that beauty is something that grows on the inside.. cause like you, i am very moody at times with my hairloss and i forget what being beautiful is all about.
The only reason i still believe in myself are reminders like these and support from family and friends! It means a lot to me that you would leave me a comment on my profile, and it really did make my day! Thanks!
And i know it can be challenging, but the most important thing is keeping hope. So never give up and keep hope forever!! :) and just know you always have support from family and friends!
At 7:29pm on June 01, 2010, soniamarry gave Lisa-Lynn Marini a gift
May this red ribbon remind you of your beauty within, hope and courage every time you look at it!
At 9:26am on June 1, 2010, Michelle L said…
Hi Lisa-Lynn
She put pics of her hair on YOUR facebook page? Hmmmmm. Maybe she isn't so clueless after all. Did she tag you in them? How did she get them there? NOW I am angry on your behalf!! (I think I just tipped from sunny and positive to bitter and twisted...*lol*)

I would talk to her if I were you. You may not like what you hear, but at least you'll know one way or another what her motives were. Maybe, just maybe it was unintentional.

Hope you have a happy day, my friend.


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