  • 42, Female
  • WA state
  • United States
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  • Emily
  • Elaine
  • thinlizzyfairy
  • Nachiketa Sanyal
  • hannah sophia holland
  • Diana Wood
  • Lauren Simpson
  • Yvette
  • Tracy and Amanda
  • manuelle Arween
  • kaitlin lavin
  • Lori Black
  • Kim Jez
  • Ally
  • David

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About Me:
I'm live in WA state. I've had alopecia since I was 4 (and after some interogating I found I should edit my "me" section.) It began with a self attempted hair cut. My mom had taken me to a stylist to have it fixed and she pointed out the bald spots. A trip to the dermatolgist dubbed me with alopecia areata. Later when I was about 8, a round of routine vaccinations caused my hair to fall out except for the couple patches here and there. I was almost bald but the hair eventually grew back and for a long period of time I would only lose patches. I've never had body hair, which in this day and age isn't a bad thing. People actually pay money for hair removal. I've never seen myself with eyebrows and in the last 6 months, I've lost the eyelashes on my right upper eyelid. I feel in many ways I've been fortunate, especially after reading so many of the other's stories. I did have the hair on my head though puberty and thanks to loving friends and family have always felt beautiful even when it gets the best of me. I have to say though, it's started to take a toll on me in the last 6 or 7 months. In addition to the eyelash loss, I'm losing more patches of hair.
I have to contribute my career choice in science and research to my experience with alopecia and hope to some day make great scientific breakthroughs.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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Amanda's Blog

Checking in

Posted on February 19, 2012 at 11:30pm 1 Comment

I'm so terrible about updating on here. I know last year I said I started losing hair again, which I still am but on the bright side it hasn't progressed much further. I still avoid gluten because now I get stomach pains along with an ill feeling when I do eat it. Plus, I just feel better. My experience in uncovering the effects of what we eat affects our bodies has been a huge journey for me and I will continue to eat healthy to avoid gluten, processed foods, large amts of sugar, and stay…


Bummed about losing hair again

Posted on March 19, 2011 at 12:33am 3 Comments

Well, it will be 2 years Gluten Free in June and 6 weeks ago I started to lose my hair again at an increased rate. I'd had a couple small patches here and there but was able to do the injections to get them to grow back. It's kind of depressing and I'm not really sure what other avenue to go. My patch has developed on the back of my head and seems to be about 4 or 5 in vertical by 3 or so in wide. Man, I thought I'd really found a source to help with the hair falling out. My derm was even… Continue

7 months post-gluten

Posted on January 7, 2010 at 12:42am 1 Comment

So it's been around 7 months since I went gluten free and I couldn't be happier. I even quit wearing my wig a couple weeks ago. My hair is still thin, but I've always had naturally thin hair anyway. My one eye without the eyelashes has yet to grow back, oh well. I'm just happy it's come this far. My dermatologist seemed really excited for me back in October, I can't wait to see what he has to say here in a couple weeks. I did upload some before and after pics but am not sure if only friends can… Continue

Gluten free=hair slowly coming back

Posted on September 1, 2009 at 11:56pm 3 Comments

Well I haven't been on in a while but summer has been busy I guess. Just thought I'd try the blog and let you all know that I went gluten free about 3.5 months ago and have had hair grow back in places that weren't responding to steroid injections. I have a few eyelashes that have decided to stick around and am hoping the rest will join soon:) In the past, they would come in as little stubbles and then fall out a few weeks later but these have grown quite long and have maintained longer than… Continue

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At 11:43pm on April 3, 2012, Elaine said…

Nice to meet you :)

At 5:24pm on February 27, 2012, Izzy said…

Thanks for the advice. I think some people are just emotionl like you said I guess Its not really a bad thing just means we have a really Big heart and care about alot of things.

At 4:39am on November 2, 2011, Nachiketa Sanyal said…
Hey amanda!
Thanks so much for responding!
I'm also thinking about getting myself tested for gluten intolerance.
BTW you mentioned sandwiches and pasta.. would that also not be restricted in a gluten free diet?
At 12:41pm on November 1, 2011, Nachiketa Sanyal said…
Hi amanda, really excited about your glutten free diet.. just had a couple of quick questions, if you may.
1) did you get yourself tested for any gluten intolerance before you embarked on this diet?
2) What all constitutes high glutten food? what abt dairy products?
3) how long after you went gluten free did you start observing hair regrowth on a significant scale?
I'm adding you as a friend.. pls email me.. thanks!
At 12:14am on January 10, 2010, Pat said…
Hi Amanda, are you eating dairy-free as well as gluten free? Great news that you're hair has come back in. Fantastic!
At 12:47am on December 6, 2009, Lauren Simpson said…
Hey . Im lauren and i live in seattle.....i was just wondering what part of washington you live in? I would love to meet people who live in my area ho have aa.
At 3:58pm on April 18, 2009, Lori Black said…
HI Amanda, Thanxfor adding me as a friend! Blessings to you!!
At 3:58pm on April 1, 2009, Donna Evans said…
It went well. As a group we received over $5000 in donations.
At 7:29pm on March 31, 2009, Donna Evans said…
Sorry Amanda, I didn't get your message and then I was on vacation for a week. Let me know the next time you'll be in town.
At 5:47pm on March 13, 2009, Brittany said…
You're Welcome! =]


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