Anyone doing the Pfizer medication trial for RITLECITINIB? How is it working? They are now in Phase 2. You have to be under 50 to participate. Google Pfizer Alopecia is you want to participate. They will actually pay you for your participation and give you free medication.

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Alopecia areata is a completely different thing than androgenetic alopecia - DHT vs your immune system attacking hair follicles.

More age discrimination from Big Pharma!  At 73 years of age and exceptionally healthy, aside my AU, I think I am old enough to decide what risks I want to take with my health and what risks I do not want to take.  I have being reading more and more articles about older people being excluded from medication trials when there is no valid reason for it.  

I've been taking Xeljanz since 2015. I was able to regrow all my hair after 16 years of alopecia universalis.

I just started an account on Instagram @embracingalopecia where I'll be sharing my experience.

Keep the faith! 

FYI, I've heard the trial is extended another year.  It's looking pretty good for this particular Pfizer drug (Ritlecitinib) and FDA approval in the future.

Hi Mike,

Not sure if that is a good or bad news...

I was hoping the dug was approved for the next year.

Do you think with this extension the approval will be postponed?


It's good news according to the study doctor.  It means they are going forward gathering more useful data on long term use. It seems like many things are taking longer to be approved by the FDA so it wouldn't surprise me if this is one of them unfortunately.  I can't answer that but it's clear that Pfizer and Concert are in a race to get their drug approved and be first to marker for AA.

They also said with the recent positive results announced it's looking good for the drug's potential approval:

Thanks Mike.

Are you participating in the trial?

If not, are you having any other drug in the meantime?

I am with universalis since 2016 but I have not decided yet what to do?

I heard that tofa is dangerous in the long term.


Hi, yes I am on the trial a little over a year.  It's not Tofacitinib.  I have had no symptoms or problems since being on the trial.  I am generally an active individual who runs about 3 5ks a week.  I was only AA for about 9 months when I began the trial so it worked pretty quickly for me.  They will likely keep me on the drug until approval because Pfizer needs all the good outcomes and data they can get for FDA approval.  I've heard that via the study, there have not been many who have experienced adverse events and none have been serious.  At least in our trial portion with the derm I see in California. 

I wish you the best.  Personally, I wish to not be on any drugs but I was not myself with AA and that's true mentally and physically.  I hope one day there is a better solution for us and that JAKs are transitional to something perhaps a little less expensive and safer.


How are you? Somebody with news about the trial status?

Bestie regards.



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