How many people on this site just end up bicing the remains and go smooth bald?

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Yeah, it's hard to know what course it will take. Is it going to continue to fall out or start to grow back? You really can't predict the fate of a given hair by looking at it.

When I shaved my head, I still had roughly 60% of my hair and afterwards not a single strand grew back. What this means for me in retrospect was that it was a good idea to shave it off 'cause if I hadn't, it would have simply all fallen out at its own agonizing pace. Your experience may differ, though. :/

Incidentally, did anyone else find their roots to be a little on the weak side before the inevitable fall out? I know for me, before I shaved it, it was unusually easy pull a strand or two out. It was like the roots had already given up.
Actually Matt, that is pretty common in the areas where spots are developing. If you may or may not have noticed, that area is/was usually pretty tender too. My dermatologist always told me that AA was a very inflammatory condition and gave me ibuprofen to minimize it.
Hey Yokasta!
What's this about the inflammatroy condition? Why didn't i know this! That could explain a lot. My head is always so itchy and it sometimes hurts. And then it gets so dry. Which is really nasty, but i just don't know what to do about it!! Do you think that the ibuprofen helps?
Yeah, the inflammation is why your head hurts and itches simultaneously -- it makes sense, considering that your hair follicles are actually under attack. I even notice the inflammation on my eyelids when my eyelashes fall out -- my eyes are real tender until all my eyelashes have fallen out again, then it goes away. To me the ibuprofen helps a lot -- the ibuprofen reduces the inflammation and makes it so I can actually touch my head -- it's too sore and tender most of the time otherwise. The interesting thing is that when I'm bald, my scalp is just as oily as my face, but when my hair is growing I have noticed that I start to develop dry, itchy scalp and dandruff. for that, I use Head & Shoulders for dry hair and oil my scalp with mink oil and it helps a lot. Try that and see if it works.
i say shave it to know what you expect
I did. On my own too, whic was a bit painfull because I had some thick areas. If I ever have to do it again, I'm going to a barber! :)
Ladies, wheh you shave your heads, don't use a little bic razor. Use a good triple edge blade razor.
Nice smooth shave that way, and less chance of cutting yourself.
That ladyfriend I mentioned who is a friend of myself and my wife, uses a triple edge blade razor on her pretty bald head.
Honey, why use a triple blade when you can get a 5-blade Gillette Fusion razor that makes your head smooth as a baby's bottom??? LOL

Char, maybe I should have mentioned that if you have more than 1/4" of growth then you might want to have a barber shave it real close before finishing it off with a razor. Me personally, whenever I shave my head I let a barber take it off with a straight razor to begin with, then keep it up myself. How's the smooth look working for you so far??
My AA started about 3 months ago now and i shaved my head about 1 month ago, i said ccrew it!! :) i was sick of counting my hairs in the shower,...i am serious that is what i started doing. Plus, my boyfriend is a plumber so as soon as he said "its ok baby well just get you a hair trap for your tub- i thought that it would really help me emotionally to get rid of it all. Honestly, i have bad days but they are seldom in comkparison to the mornings that i had hair falling out in the shower,...i feel like i let that part of me which i had no control over go. My head gets really itchy at times where i have hair though, im not sure why though.
It's normal for recently shaved hair to be itchy. I don't know why it happens but it's normal LOL
I've used Aveeno on my head for flaking, cause it's just dry skin. Your head is much less oily when you don't have hair. I think my husband and I traumatized a 9 year old girl last night - we were shaving our heads together when she came to a sleepover with our daughter. I never ended up shaving my head until after I had been AU and I was getting bits of regrowth. The shaved head works much better for me if I have to shave it at all.
I think the skin on your scalp is JUST like the skin on your face -- at least, mine is! I have extremely oily skin, and since I've been totally smooth my head has been super oily too! I was shaving every morning, but because of the irritation from the razor I cut back to every other day. That takes care of the irritation, but the oiliness is driving me nuts, because it didn't used to be that way before!
you could try using a cleanser designed for oily skin, i am also like you my skin is so oily i cleanse tone and moisturise my face and scalp and when i am exfoliating my face my scalp gets the same treatment - saves on the shampoo and conditioner and i also get a head massage thrown in



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