Well, we've all brought up the discussions of Demi Moore and Natalie Portman Shaving their heads. And also Britney Spears because of her bipolar disorder. But I just read an article and people magazine and thought I should bring it up on here. Cameron Diaz has been asked to play the mom on the movie version of the book My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult. The book is about a girl who is the exact genetic match of her older sister who struggles with Leukemia, so they use the younger sister's marrow and such to help the older sister. But that's a little beside the point. The mother in this book shaves her head when the older sister loses her hair. Well, Cameron Diaz, playing this part, instead of shaving her head like Demi Moore and Natalie Portman did for their roles, opted for a bald cap. I want to know what ya'll think about this. Do you think she chickened out? or do you think she had reason? I want a heated discussion here. You all know how hard it is to have to lose your hair and the confidence issues that go with it. So I want to know what you think, is she a chicken? Or did she opt for a bald cap with good reason?

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She chickened out! Natalie Portman and Demi Moore are much better actors than she is too, and obviously know that they are beautiful with or without hair!!!

Cameron Diaz has always struck me as being vain, like Britney -- so for a role this important someone should have sent her a memo telling her that maybe her role would be a little more believable if she actually shaved her head -- and her alopecic fans, especially the young girls, would love her for it!!!
I think she definitely had a reason!! She didn't want to be bald!! Honestly, how many of us REALLY WANTED to be bald in the first place?? It's only after having it happen to you and growing more accepting of our hair that we begin to "enjoy" it. Women who are bald and proud of it are far stronger than any other women I have ever met... She's just not that strong... ;)
she is a chicken....lol...her hair is part of who she is...does not want to get rid of them and she really dont look good with short hair...and for myself, they should have taken someone else that was ready to shave her head....Lise
I'm with Lise -- they should have cast someone who was truly willing to throw herself into the part, shaving her head and all. Anyone can put on a bald cap and wig to cover it up, but it takes an EXTREMELY secure, strong person to shave it all off voluntairly. Is she afraid men will stop seeing her as one of the hottest chicks on the planet? IMO, I don't think she is at all -- I mean come on, her acne is worse than mine and she is almost 40!! Has nobody ever mentioned Proactiv to her???

I saw those pictures of her with the bald cap, and what little respect I had for her evaporated instantly when I read that she was too chicken to shave her head. Maybe that selfish vanity is the reason Justin Timberlake dumped her????
i like you.... you are funny... lol... and i agree with you ...and it only hair.... and hers would have regrow....lol...oh well not everyone can be beautiful bald...take care YoKasta ....
Ok I've gotta play devil's advocate here I think. I can totally understand why she wouldn't want to shave her head. Her job is based on her looks, let's face it. Granted, her hair would regrow, but it would take a looooooong time to get back to her length. And maybe she has other opportunities in the near future that she wants to have hair for. So basically...I don't think there's anything wrong with her not wanting to shave her head. But I do agree, that they could have just cast someone else who was willing to do it. I love Cameron Diaz, so I've gotta jump to her defense a bit! LOL. ;o)
Uh, hello??? Wigs, weave, and hair extensions????

Since when did Cameron Diaz's status as a super-rich celebrity exempt her from all of the options available to her to help her get through the regrowth process after she shaved her head?? Surely if she can afford to wash her face in nothing but Evian water and La Mer skincare products she can afford a blond wig to match whatever other role she is playing. There are reasons for doing -- or not doing -- things, and then there are excuses. Everything she has said up to this point is just an excuse.

Besides, if we have to go through these options, and my goodness, if Britney Spears (with her crazy tail) can do it, why can't she?? What makes her so special???
Very good point, YoKasta. She is certainly a chicken...but I understand why someone would feel that way. So I totally think they just should have cast someone else that was willing to do it.
Shaving her head for the part would be just the same as another actress having to gain 50 lbs. for her next role. Having to do these things is part of the job description and that's why they're paid the big bucks. So regardless of the fact that her image is important as an actress, it is also part of acting and the director needs an actor willing to take on that look. Diaz is being a whiny little snob, if I were the director I'd can her a$$ and give the job to someone who cares. She would honestly have to shave her head for it to look shaved otherwise she just looks bald. She never struck as brilliant anyhow!
Frankly, I'm disappointed that she didn't go the extra mile. Heck, she didn't even make it to the track. To Carol's point, DeNiro gained 60+lbs for his portrayal of an aging Jake LaMotta in "Raging Bull". DeNiro won an Academy Award for his performance.

I hate to talk about others, especially if I don't know the real story. Perhaps Ms. Diaz walked the road (short of the shave) with someone close and can draw upon that experience to make her role believable. Sadly, my personal opinion is the movie will be poorly done if the directors are already bowing to the demands of the 'star'. Wish they would have selected a different actress as, while I haven't had the opportunity to read the book yet, it sounds promising.

Yeah, I believe she is a 'chicken'.
I saw this stuff with Diaz wearing the bald cap and my first thought was that it looked silly and my second thought was Cameron Diaz as the mother in 'My Sister's Keeper'! What?!?
She is definitely not who I would have picked for that role. I seriously hope that the genetically bred sister (I forget the name, Kate maybe?) is cast really well to make up for a comedy actress who relies heavily on her looks playing this. I know Diaz is old but she was dating JT recently. It's hard to picture her as a mum of three children who has gone through some agonising life decisions when she is most famous for her gel hairstyle in Something About Mary.

I was wondering, however, if the main reason that she didn't shave her head was due to scheduling reasons? In the book, the bit where the mum and the main character shave their heads was about a paragraph long. They do it to go to the mall together when the daughter with leukemia has real problems getting herself out the door due to her self-image. It doesn't seem that big a deal in the book and I'm thinking it will only be one scene in the movie. It's during a section that reflects on what happened in the past, so it would maybe have been impractical for Diaz to shave her head for this scene and still have the rest of the movie to film with hair?
I wouldn't go so far as to say she chickened out, but I also wouldn't call her a great actor.

Some actors simply show a degree of dedication to their craft that others don't. They gain crazy amounts of weight (Jared Leto in Chapter 27), or loze crazy amounts of weight (Christian Bale in The Machinist (dude lost over 60lbs). Sometimes they shave their heads. It's typically reversable stuff, but it still requires a significant commitment to the role.

You could say Diaz is taking the easy way out for this role, but I think it's more likely that the role itself just doesn't resonate with her; it doesn't carry enough interest for her to go "all in". And who knows, maybe she's already commited to another film after this one, one that requires her to have hair. She could even be filming it at the same time. ~checks imdb~ Er, ok so her next role is for an animated Shrek movie, so yeah, no, she won't be needing hair for that. Uhh... ~begins backpeddling~ :)

Anyways, don't be too quick to judge her. She did play a plain, borderline ugly (and more than a little neurotic) housewife in Adaptation. For an actress known for her beauty, you have to give her credit for that.



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