I am here to say I strongly recommend getting it done! It is worth every penny. I had mine done yesterday and I can't believe the difference in my life. For a year I had been carting around eyebrow pencils, always worrying about smudging throughout the day. I didn't realize how much I had been avoiding looking at myself in the mirror; now I can't stop! They are so realistic. My husband kept doing double takes at me all last night and saying "wow!" And he never notices anything...I always have to tell him when I got my haircut lol! I can't wait to go swimming next week without having to worry about looking like an alien.

Be sure to do your homework though. I first checked out a woman in town that is just starting out and has all this new high end equipment. Her price of $175 was tempting. But then I found Jamilla, an hour's drive away from me in NH. She has been doing permanent cosmetics for 20 years and is a true artist. Just last week she had a woman (with FFA) fly in from South Carolina for corrective work. This poor lady had a plastic surgeon do her initial eyebrows and they were poorly shaped and turned blue in 6 months. She then went to two more people to try and get them corrected and then spent several years having them removed by laser.

Since any picture I post will likely be upside down or worse, I thought I'd put a link to Jamilla's web site instead. If you are like me and googled eyebrow tattoo, you are probably horrified at the idea! However Jamilla has tons of before/after pictures, in addition to her corrective work, that you can see what a true artist and professional can do. She also has a section on what to look for in a permanent cosmetician. It is a very informative site.


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Sally--I wish you luck with the diet. I also use Clobestol. About six months ago I weaned myself off my hormones and thyroid meds (I know, not smart) but I had to restart the hormones because my hot flashes came back with a vengeance!! My new endo did not want me back on thyroid meds though.

I think if I didn't have to feed my husband the diet would be way easier to follow. He will eat whatever I put in front of him but this does make him a bit grumpy! Haha! I just miss regular food and it does take a lot of preparation for basically a very restricted diet...I think there is a connection between diet and all this inflammation though--I am just weak I guess. I go in for MOHS surgery on my nose on Monday and I think I'm nervous about the outcome. So I eat ;)

Camie, my husband had MOHS surgery on his nose a couple months ago.  It certainly wasn't pretty at first.  But the outcome is that even I can hardly find the tiny scar.  The excision began so much larger, although the visible 'tip' of the malignancy was just the size of a typical 'beauty spot'.  He experienced numbness for several weeks, mainly just the tip of the nose.  But no ill effects from the surgery or the suture removal.  I suspect you're a lifelong sun lover like he is.  [He grew up in Honduras.] Certainly hope it all goes very well for you.  Enjoy your comfort food!

Yes, Sally, I have heard of the prostate medication as treatment for FFA.  It was one of my dermatologists's suggestions.  But because of the large number of chronic conditions and medications I am already on, we agreed not to risk that one on me.  Curious to see if anyone else on this site has given it a try, and with what results.

You've had quite a time with less than helpful MDs.  But I must say, I envy you in one way.  I've lost all my bodily hair EXCEPT on my legs.  How annoying it is to still shave!  My head hair seems to be holding on with just steroid injections.  I am grateful that it has not receded too far to easily cover.


I've never been offered the steroid injections. I'm not sure I would do them as I have had allergic reactions to other steroids.   I also can cover my loss quite well.  That does not mean I have not been devastated by the loss I have had.  The photo on my profile was taking in the spring of 2011.  I had only noticed the thinning at that time.  In a month after that photo was taken, I awoke one morning to find all of my eyebrows disappeared overnight.  Literally overnight.  I had them the day before. When I did my make-up in the morning, they were gone.  Since that time, my hair loss has been more significant and my hair is no longer silver gray.  I have lost most of the silver and it is now a more gun barrel gray. At least I don't have to shave my legs and haven't had to for years.  

One more thing, I find my confidence, which has always been high, disappeared with my eyebrows.  I think that is a sad statement, but I have had some real identity issues over the loss of my curly silver hair.  And, I feel that my eyes were also a feature that I liked, and my eyebrows I also liked.  I finally accepted that it was a loss that I needed to acknowledge, even if it seemed vain, and then I started dealing with the new look with a new outlook.  I've learned we must work through our losses, even if to others they seem insignificant.  

Well said!  I think you're right that it has more to do with our identity than our vanity.  It's naturally disturbing to us that others no longer see what we picture as "us/me."  And unfortunately, some folks do react as if we're being petty to complain about losing something as seemingly insignificant as eyebrows.  We acknowledge that 'things could be so much worse'.  But at the same time, accepting that these are permanent changes to our personal image can quite understandably bring on some degree of depression.  As you said so well, we must work though our own losses and "start dealing with the new look with a new outlook."

Sally, I'd like to 'friend' you so that we can share some details and thoughts that really don't pertain specifically to this eyebrow-tattoo discussion.


Please do.  

Sally, you won't be disappointed with Jamilla. She said she often gets clients from around the country who plan their vacations around visits to her; they find her after seeing her work on a friend or relative. Like you, the loss of my eyebrows has been just crushing. It really was a loss of identity vs. vanity. I can honestly say I feel like I have my identity back! It's been almost two weeks and the color has faded about 40% (just as Jamilla said it would) but they still look great. I go back on Tuesday for further work.

I also had Hashimotos, which is an autoimmune disease. They say once you have one you are more prone to others. I ended up developing thyroid cancer and had to have a thyroidectomy (while pregnant, no less!). For nearly a year I thought the eyebrow loss was due to being hypothyroid. I've lost most the hair on my arms and all the peach fuzz on my face is gone. Why can't I lost the hair on my armpits and legs?! My hairline loss is about 3/4" now and I haven't seen much improvement after being on plaquenil and doxy and Clobetasol for about 2 months. I did go gluten free for two months, but feeding a family with three small children made it very challenging. I find living with FFA is hard enough that going on a restrictive diet would out me over the edge! But if there was real hard evidence saying it makes a difference I would certainly reconsider.

Anne L, maybe we should start a Discussion to see which autoimmune disorders each of us has.  It would be very interesting to see the crossover amongst FFAers.  With your nursing background, perhaps you could word it properly to encourage folks just to list their issues?  It does seem like there are a lot of us with one or another thyroid problems.  Wonder if our thyroid medications, or lack of, have influenced our hair loss.

It's been four days since i had my eyebrows done and they've lightened up just a little.  My daughter just told me that i look like my old self.  It's true that brows frame your face.  When she can help me I'll post a picture.  I love them!  They cost too much but its going to be worth it.

You are right Brenda, it is so costly. It is the most money I have ever spent on myself, even more than my wedding dress! But the return of my self esteem and getting rid of those eyebrow pencils has been well worth it.



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