I had another alopecia episode and my eyebrows fell out again. This has had a dramatic impact on my appearance. I was scared to tell my then girlfriend but eventually plucked up the courage to tell her. I saw her again and she tells me she no longer loves me and has no feelings for me any more. This really hurts , I would have gone to hell and back just to make her happy.

This has made me doubt myself even more than before :(

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Then I would say you have to think. Someone that shallow to leave you based on physicality was truly never vested in you in the first place. You should consider yourself lucky she left. It could have turned out a lot worse. I myself am going through a divorce from a narcissist/Pyschopath/sociopath. You wanna talk about pain and drama? This would be it. My having no hair is the least of my worries. A shallow person leaving you bc of hair shouldn't be yours either. I find people that shallow eventually meet their karma. Let it go make peace with what you thought she was and trust me, real love is right around the corner.

I'm so sorry to hear that. You deserve better and I'm sure when the right one comes along she will love EVERYTHING about you.

Good luck and keep smiling.

I'm so sorry your girlfriend's love was contingent on eyebrows. Time heals all wounds, or so my grandmother always said. Your wounds will heal, in time.

On a completely different subject, may I make one suggestion? Change you user id to something positive. "alopecia destroyed my life" just stamps a negative vibe over and over and over... when you sign in, when we read it. I say this because... for years the password on my computer at work was Leslie. why? because in first grade, Leslie moved into our neighborhood and into my class. I invited her over to play after school. My grandmother thought air and sunshine on my head would help grow my hair back, so after school I threw my wig aside. All the neighborhood kids knew that, and I was not embarrassed. But when I answered the doorbell when Leslie showed up, she looked at me.... paused... and said  "IS ROSE HERE?" It's the first time I remember being tongue tied, embarrassed. My sister told me to change my password to something attached to a happy time or thought. I did. It was helpful.  just a suggestion...

last thought: don't buy into Andrey's posts. He is angry and bitter right now... His story is not your story.


Thank you all, I'm trying to move on without her and just am  focusing on the trial and  getting my hair back. 

Do you know why i sometimes post and read here?

I believe forums like this should be used to:

1 to point out there is no cure/treatment and never has been. Why would there be forums if there were. Reserach is research!

2 You must take responsibility and quickly for your hair loss. Read, read, read. See that too many people have wasted years looking for cures and hiding In the end they either:

a said "f... **"

b got a wig/permanent make up

c went out bald and smiled .....bring it on...

d supported others

That's it! Thats all i have ever read on any forum. F*** ** . Lets try and do something?

IF YOU DON'T. Then join the others who chase cures, hide and waste their lives, blame Alopecia for being single..

It's a pain in the ass at the beginning and if i had any enemies, they would be bald lol

I would love my eyelashes /brows back. Love it! BUT THIS BLOKE knows 10 years of bare lids.

Regarding woman. Woman (most don't have legs as smooth as mine and my armpits look like an immac producing site lol)

I have manipulated my appearance and subtetly changed the texture of my character so i can live as best with my alopecia.

I suggest you do the same.

I dont think so have any cure fot this ilness i give up i have to put up with this.diseases

don't worry something better will come up some one who is more sensitive to your needs good luck

And I was dumped by my boyfriend. I guess,we all have to wait to meet the right person. The person who actually loves you will love you no matter what. =) 

Now a days people are pretty shallow, and most not into relationships.. I had to be okay with being alone... I’m ok now with it...

Always thank people for showing the true colors...so you can stop wasting time and energy on them and pour it into someone who is worth it...

I believe in karma and do feel what you dish out you definitely get back.

Wow that’s awful.. alopecia has taken a great deal from me also... so how do you cope? I’m Buddhist so a great deal of chanting and positive thinking. I have been on xeljanz since 2014. I can not go back to my hair falling out.. you do feel like a monster.. not even look human. It’s horrible we emphasize so much on appearances. 



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