My name is Brittany and my son's name is Lane. Lane has had AA since the age of 3 (he is 6 now) and I have been shaving him going on 3 years. Lane never gets completely bald so he loves to be shaved. Well, lately when I shave him it is hurting or pulling his hair. I have always used the same items: Gillette Fusion razor and Gillette shaving cream. I don't ever let the razor get close to being dull- I throw it out almost half way through. I was hoping someone could help me out with this. Thanks guys.

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I have a Braun electric shaver that I use for my almost 3-year-old. He likes that it tickles. It is not as close a shave as a blade, he just doesn't care yet. If Lane isn't bothered by getting a little stubble sooner than with a blade, this might be more comfortable for him.
Is that a triple blade like a Mach 3? Those are very close.

Or try headblade.com which is the closest shaver I've ever used because it was designed specifically to shave a round concave surface. I also use their lotion which is low foaming. If you decide on headblade.com and want to order online you can send me a message for a discount code.

I almost bought this the other last weekend when I was in search of another tool to shave with. I've been using a womans shaver and now it's really beginning to hurt. So anyway I was talking to lady at the store and she told me that it doesn't work? i don't know I've never tried it so can you tell us more about the shaver?

I use the headblade . It was designed specifically by a designer who figured out that shaving a surface like a head is better done with a more innovative design. I have used all kinds and this is the one I love. The result on my straggling whispy hairs is faster, closer and I have never knicked my ear with this whereas if I am not careful I have done that with a straight handled blade holder. The way this loops over your finger gives better pressure and control than holding a straight up handle away from your head. There's something out there for everyone. I'm a real fan of this product which was created for heads...not beards or legs or underarms. I suggest watching the videos at the headblade.com website to see how it works.

I'm going to do that. Thanks a bunch.
It is a triple blade. I just tonight tried to shave him and it hurt again. This time I put the shaving cream in hot water and put a warm towel on his head for longer then normal. I got half way through and he said it hurts. I am going to try this razor. Thanks a bunch for your help and I hope you have a wonderful evening.
He really likes to be real smooth. He likes the way it feels. We use Arbonne oil and I have been able to use after-shave a few times without it burning. He has horrible sensitive skin. In the winter he never goes out without a hat and in the summer we never go without sunscreen. I would never want him to burnt. Thanks for your help.
i just started using headblade myself, after shaving with a normal razor for months. I noticed a big difference. My head doesn't sting when I rinse, anymore. Also much quicker to do solo. You can pick them up at walgreens, and at my walgreens, they are on sale.
Huh at Walgreens, that's good to know. I have one close to my house. I'm going to try this and look on the website at the shaving lotion. Thanks for your help and have a wonderful evening.
Have you thought of springing for a barber? - get him to do a "wet shave" - $15.00 most places...maybe someone has already suggested this. It might be fun to make it a special outing for him & he can have a cool experience. Professionals who can do this are amazing - it's what I did and also my friend in Berkeley took his daughter & she had a great time! ( She has AA, too & has had it since she was little). Good Luck
You know my husband and I have talked about this several times. I think he would love it. I guess I'm a little scared that they would not be good at it and he might get hurt. I don't know I guess we should try it. He has not been to a salon and gotten his hair cut in over 3 years. Thanks so much for putting that back into my mind. I am going to look around for a barber and see what they can do. Have a fabulous day.
Hi there
I feel for you having to carry out this ritual but so glad thats where you both are at. A mach3 defo works and use a balmfoam. It is probably the tentative approach that grates so try have calm confidence in the razor. They are built to run the skin and not cut. Perhaps the little chap could start taking over. Once mastered, its a quick process to shave your own head and easier to control.



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