I used to have alopecia areata, but in the last year, it's turned universalis. I've lost all the hair on my head, eyebrows, arm/leg hair, etc. For the time being, I still have eye lashes.
I know this gets a little personal....
My doctor once asked if I had lost pubic hair. When I told her no, she said pubic hair (armpit and nether region hair) is on a different operating system and is rarely affected. I've been noticing lately that stuff is looking patchy.
Has anyone else experienced this?
I have had people ask me this question out in public and I've told them "you're violating my boundaries."
If you really want to know things like this, you should do a google search and unearth some statistics.
I get not wanting to tell everyone because well.... It's none of their business. But if it's your doctor, it's a matter of health. But, you don't have to answer anything that makes you uncomfortable when it comes to just anybody. If that's a boundary for you, that's fine. I had a friend ask me in a party once in front of a bunch of people, and I laughed really hard. That's my personality, though. Things usually don't offend me unless someone is being intentionally mean.
If you don't want to answer on a forum, then um don't?
And, I did Google it. I wasnt satisfied with my answers. It's a fascinating question (to me and prob to some others). I may not get any answers, but I'm not afraid to ask. I'm not afraid to ask because there's nothing on a human body that is shameful. Its a strange and fascinating machine.
Yes, I have lost all pubic hair and, unlike you, I have lost my lashes as well. I am completely AU.
I am a 47 year old male.
I got alopecia areata when I was in seventh grade. It became alopecia universalis within a year or two, before I hit puberty. I have no hair on my body, anywhere. Sometimes, a few hairs grow on my toes.
I've never shaved.
Until seventh grade, I had regular full head of blond hair, peach fuzz type hair on my arms and legs.
I have a similar story to you gldean1988. I've had AA for over a decade. About 18 months ago however, it turned AU, and for me that means everything. As for your headline. I think it's important for us to "go there" some times to talk about everything that's going on with us. It's good to not feel alone and isolated if we don't have to. On a lighter note, it has kind of been nice not having to shave. ;op
Yes. I finally shaved my head about a year ago. Then my eyebrows and lashes disappeared. Last to go we the pubic hair. Thanks for putting it out there. I never had anyone say that AU doesn't include the nether region.
Interesting topic, I lost allllll of my hair. I never heard any doctor, or any one in general say that about pubic hair though. I find it interesting because a few years ago, also being a few years after I lost my hair, the first single hair, and first hair of color (I've since gotten some of my "invisible" hairs back) was a pubic hair. Next I got some invisible facial hair but then I got my arm pit hair. Right now I'm having the greatest growth in those two spots and I wonder if it has anything to do with what your doctor is saying. However, I find that unlikely, I've never seen any research about that as a fact and it hasn't come up in any research about our disease specifically. ... I just did a quick search and found this on Cosmo, not sure how reliable it is but it's a simple easy read: https://www.cosmopolitan.com/sex-love/news/a38694/things-you-didnt-...
I’ve lost quite a bit of hair as since 2014, it has progressed all over my scalp, face and body. The only area where I have full hair are my armpits. I virtually have no hair elsewhere and so yes that includes pubic hair.
As the disease gets worse, therefore so does your hair loss. I don’t want to alarm anyone but it doesn’t stop there, once it have one autoimmune disease you are high risk of others and can be much more deadly. Hence the importance of getting the right support and help to manage your symptoms.
I have AU. Had it since I was 8 and now 27. I never lost my lashes till I was maybe 25. They are growing back. My brows are sparse but not enough to go without brow makeup. I have no leg, armpit, arm hair. Pubic hair...I went through a phase it came in patches but nope.
Besides my minimal brow and lashes I am AU. I’ve never heard of armpit and pubic hair working as a different system before. That’s news to me. I had one hair regrowth in patches so I’m not surprised if pubic hair came in patches or any body hair for that matter.
AU is pretty much a Big Zero for any hair anywhere...Here or there...Bye Bye City Gal...LOL
BTW any few stragglers on my parts get a shave away!
When my AU hit just under 2 years ago, I lost every hair on my body - lashes, nose, ear cilia, underarms, toes and pubic area. Had already lost brows and had laser hair removal on legs. Now have sparse lashes and nose hair, the occasional 'old lady' chin hair, and about 4 pubs.
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