My fiancée wants to know what is the likelihood this can be cured?

My alopecia areata started 6 weeks ago.. my bald spot is the size of my fist if not bigger. I'm all down with shaving my head but the fiance is a little hesitant. she thinks that there is some sort of magical cure. In all of my studying up on it I haven't really found anyone who has regained all of their hair and if they gained any is wasn't in a timely manner. There are a lot of "cures" and "treatments" but not a "cured" or "treated" ratio or percentage. What is the honest likelihood of my hair growing back? I'm currently getting cortisone shots in my head. Last appt was 62 shots. The bald spot has doubled since getting the shots. I just want to shave my head and get it done with, this is more or less a formality for my fiancée.

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There is no cure, Aaron. There are various treatments that work with some people, but with others. The shots didn't make your hair fall out more, it was just the natural progression of things. The shots - if they DO work - take a few weeks to respond anyway. Many times, hair grows back spontaneously without treatment. It seems you have accepted your alopecia fairly well this early in the game - good for you! Getting your girlfriend to the same place is essential. Encourage her to do some research on the topic so that she will understand the varying degrees of alopecia and can know what to expect if yours progresses beyond your scalp. Big "IF" won't necessarily get worse than spots on the scalp, but there is the possibility. She's got to be on board and supportive of you regardless.
Good luck!
Thanks for the quick responses. Passing it on to my children was my biggest concern. With my fiancée I feel like she is embarrassed by my alopecia. This may also be me projecting my feelings onto her though. I guess her biggest concern is our wedding is less than 10 months away. I'll pass on the info you two gave me and if all goes right I will have a nice smooth head before bed tonight.

Wish you weren't in this position....Does she show any interest in learning about it or wanting to help you get through it....? If she doesn't seem supportive of you having Alopecia...then I would hold off on getting married. You don't need the extra stress.

I have had AA pretty much my whole life, then got AU after a stressful relationship. I do have a 7yr old son and I don't believe it is passed on. He has no symptoms and is healthy. I'm not sure if there is a gene for Alopecia that can trigger symptoms though. I am the only one in my family that has it.
62 shots at once is a lot. Expect some side effects possibly! My doc used to stop at 6 per visit. Shots make hair come back in 3 months, which is about the cycle of AA anyway, so what's the point?

Anyhoo, if you are destined to have AT or AU, then wishes of a bride-to-be won't stop it. Now you get to see if she is more concerned about her or you. Give her the "Suppose this is forever, and I am already completely bald forever" speech, and see what she does. Also, she may be afraid of passing on genes, and her mom or family may be having doubts. Time to search out that one, too. Stay strong. Have her go to the next appointment with you and read stuff about alopecia online. In sickness and in health...with spouses and children...
Your chances of regrowth with AA are far greater than they would be had you contracted AT or AU however it can still progress to that. Unfortunately (as far as I'm concerned) treatments only work while you're taking them and the hair usually falls out again after. It can be argued that it is purely coincidental that the treatments SEEM to work but it's very plausible that the hair just felt like coming back at that time anyways. There are plenty of people who do not seek treatment and see spots fill in on their own then move to another location. Alopecia is highly unpredictable, there is no telling what it may or may not do!
The fact that your girlfriend is having such a hard time dealing with this shows to me that she's not terribly supportive and possibly quite vain. What if something worse happened, would she still agree to "in sickness and in health"? Shave your head, do what makes you happy and if she can't deal with it then maybe she's not the one. Sorry to seem so harsh but I've seen a lot in my 32 years with alopecia and people will not change if they don't want to. Don't be sympathetic to her desires, this is your alopecia, your problem, your head!!! Tell her this is who you are, take it or leave it. I was with someone for 11 years who couldn't accept seeing me bald for the first 3 or 4 years, turns out we are too different. My mother was embarrased by my hair or lack thereof and we never got along, I haven't spoken to her in over 10 years. Alopecia will make you a wonderful person if you live with it long enough and you'll soon find you won't put up with people who can't see from their hearts. Good luck!
When she wakes up we will talk. I intend to shave my head but I'm just dragging my feet till she is on board. Thanks again!
Well said Carol...wish your mother experienced unconditional love and could of showed you. however, I'm glad you learned to love yourself regardless. You're beautiful :)
My alopecia started while about 8 or 9 months into my relationship with my boyfriend. Its been over a year now, and were both bald. I shaved my head because I couldnt deal anymore, so he shaved his to show his support for me. Im not saying your fiance' needs to shave her head, but you need to show her flat out there is NO cure for this disease. It can go from a little spot, to 16 big spots like mine did in 4 months. I got 40+ shots my one and only time I got them done and I decided screw that! Im SO happy I shaved my head, and they best part, my boyfriend STILL thinks I am beautiful and he is behind me 110% on whatever I want to do. It seems like you have accepted Alopecia and she needs to accept it, because weather you both like it or not, its part of your life now. Trust me, I wish there was a cure for it, but then life would be just way to easy.
Hey Aaron, BTW, I think you would look pretty cool with your head shaved anyway! What, with being a photographer and all, it would suit your creative and edgy side!
All these other gals said flat out what I tried to say very gingerly in my first reply.....that if your girlfriend cannot support you in this NOW, what is she going to do down the road if you should lose all your hair? She needs to put the shoe on the other foot - if it were HER losing her hair, wouldn't she expect YOU to stand by her? This is a relationship test, my friend. We all go through them.
Tonight after my oldest daughters parent teacher meeting I will be shaving me head. Thanks for all your support.
Yay, good for you! Hope everything's working out ok! :D
I also wanted to mention that this is new for everybody. Six weeks! So it is not uncommon for people to try and find a way to not really have to deal with the worst case scenario. Your fiance may need a bit of time to adjust, like we who have alopecia do. Nevertheless, I can see the importance of her understanding and accepting the worst and being able to accept you shaving. I truly hope that she can handle this along with you.

The American Academy of Dermatology gives realistic description, treatment options, as well as states that there is no known cure for alopecia as of yet. I would suggest that you send her the link to read and suggest that she reads information from creditable sources and be weary of "claims" of cures. In the end, the choice should be yours, of whether you wish to try different treatment options or not.

Let us know how the shave goes. We are rooting for you Aaron.



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