I discovered my 1st bald patch about 1 month ago. My life has not been the same after that. The patch has grown from 3x2.5cm to 3.5x3cm. I had steroids injected into the larger patch almost a week ago but there is no sign of regrowth yet. To make matter worse, the following day after the jabs, I found a smaller bald patch on another part of my scalp.

My once head of thick hair has thinned considerably and is still thinning. Two days ago, I finally gathered the courage to have a hairdresser cut my hair shorter. The hair loss has not improved but at least now the clumps of hair do not appear so frighteningly big.

I am still learning to cope and many times, I just spiral into a state of confusion, fear and anger. I just want to hide at home until all the bald patches have filled in. My husband has been my constant source of strength and hope, and I'm thankful for that.

Will my bald patches enlarge further? Will I discover more? Will my condition worsen from AA to AT and even AU? I'm so scared.

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Hi Mona,
Thanks for sharing your story..Although i dont have real sound advice I can only share my own experience with you.... i wish we could all know whether our own condition will worsen and go from AA to AT. Unfortunately mine did go to AT. Mine started off with small patches, then before i knew it, within 1 1/2 months, my past shoulder length hair all gone. Bald. When it first started happening, the specialist told me i had the most severe type and there was nothing he could do. I didnt have money to keep going to specialists and doctors, i was scared, confused, depressed etc.. and it all happened so quick too. If you read through other posts here, lots of these beautiful people have suggestions, remedies, things they have tried or requested, something there may help.
I have begun to have regrowth all over my scalp now, about an inch long... My partner too has been wonderful throughout this whole traumatic time...and i found this website, and i have met and chatted to some great people. I have learnt so much. So you hang in there ok.....
CHeers, Snowflake :-)

Hi Snowflake, thanks for sharing your experience. Happy for you that your hit has grown back. How long did it take you to grow everything back? How did you cope when your condition became AT?

Hi Mona, i only have regrowth of about an inch all over..but quite thin. This has been happening for the last 2 months i would say...so i presume, well HOPE, its an ongoing thing. I somehow cant see my shoulder length hair all growing back though.. :-( How did i cope you ask, well i dont know that i "did" cope..i just did the best i could. I did push my friends away at the time, i just couldnt deal with what was going on and didnt want anyone to see me. Im not gonna lie, there was some dark times. I did have wonderful support around me, but no one said the right thing ya know, how could they, they weren't going through it. I cant imagine how i would have coped if i was out working. (i work at home). I hid behind my hat and bandana. I still do now. Even with the regrowth im not strong enough to go out there proud with what i have going on my head! one day maybe! I didnt get onto this website until just recently, so i wasnt as brave to come on here whilst it was all happening.. maybe that would have helped me cope a bit better? I dont know, but am happy i am on here now. I hope you find some answers or information, and more importantly some strength.

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Thanks, Patricia! Hope you are coping well and that your condition is improving. My 2 patches are growing bigger but I haven't lost all my hair yet. I am coming to terms with this and refuse to let AA take over my life. Let's stay strong together! Take care!
It's been 2 months since I found the first bald patch. There are at least 4 more new ones since then but I have been able to hide all of them under my thick head of hair. So, I have learnt not to freak out over new spots anymore. Today, while brushing my teeth, I saw to my horror a bald patch in the middle of my fringe. I then lost it and cried uncontrollably. I knew it was a matter of time before that bald spot becomes so large I can't hide it anymore.

I know everyone says it's just hair but to experience all these shedding and balding with no regrowth in sight is physiologically devastating. I have been contemplating shaving all my hair off and donning a wig so that I can beat AA to its game instead of letting it control me. I just want to stop fretting over this and to regain my life and mind back. But it's easier said than done.

Hi Mona...sorry i havent been on for awhile.. i just read your last message.. i hope you are doing a bit better since then. I had terrible dark days and crying uncontrollably... even though i have hair growth now, i still shed some tears the other day..but im getting better. All i can say is hang in there. If you want to shave it all off go for it, i really didnt have that option as mine happened all quick and i ended up bald anyways! i did get a wig, but hated it, have worn in twice i reckon. just wore hats and bandana sort of things.. you just have to find something that you will feel comfortable enough in... which i know is gonna be hard... hope you ok..



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