So here's the new wig I ordered that took a month and a half to get to me. I personally love it, but as I wore it I got a ton of dirty looks from girls in the mall. And when I was in Victoria's Secret, a lady who was working there was just staring at me with a disgusted look on her face. I asked here if there was a problem, and she replied with... "yeah I dont see why you're trying so hard to get people to look at you". I made a confused face. And asked what she was talking about. She said " your hair looks ridiculous like youre trying to hard" I was literally in shock. Like what the hell? I advised her it was a brand new wig and apologized for the "ridiculous-ness" of it. She looked at me like I was a monster....and said "well good luck with chemo" and walked away.
I can not believe people immediately assume I have cancer.
And I can not believe that she said my hair basically looked dumb, when I was so happy about it.
Alopecia you never cease to amaze me.
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I hate people like that. I think its beautiful! I would have taken it off and said: "Is this better for you?" I wonder what her response would have been then....
It looks great! You wear it so well :) I know I hate that too everyone always think you have cancer like it's the only disease that makes you lose hair! I just started wearing wig and my co-worker told me I should write a memo to my students about why I'm wearing a wig. She said I need to let everyone know first so they don't think I'm dying. Wow why do people care so much about what everyone else is doing!
OMG!!!! Where is that woman from Mars? That is so mean. People constantly shock me. You look beautiful! I say a prayer for people like that for they need it the most. A woman at work was going on and on at a new wig I had on and she kept saying oh who does she look like, who does she look like? So loud and over and over. Thank God a friend walked by and said loud for everyone to hear, "She looks like Margaret Staib"! Let the crazies be just that crazy! xo
Some people can be so rude and ignorant! I think personally she was most likely very jealous because you are a stunningly beautiful girl. I hope you didn't take her comments to heart because you look amazing!
Awww babes, sorry to hear you are having a bad time with it all.
If it’s any consolation I'm a woman and I love your wig! Just ignore the woman in the shop, she clearly needs lessons in compassion but as you will be aware compassion cannot be taught to everyone.
I agree with the people on here who said to report her. Her management need to get rid of her, she's a liability!
As for the others, well its simple they are jealous of your hair and that gorgeous face of yours. Just ignore it, sometimes ignorance can be bliss and unfortunately there is no cure for stupidity and small mindedness.
Keep smiling lovely :)
They are just crazy jealous of your hair! It's a stunning wig and really looks natural.
When I read what happened to you I was shocked, I can't believe any retail business would keep on an emplyee who would be so rude to a customer?? First of all your picture is amazing, you look great, and it makes me sick, that someone would basically comment on even the possibility that you did have cancer....I can only imagine that this would really happen with someone going through Chemo...really??? Your a beautiful girl, and I'm sure jealousy was a big factor here, which doesn't excuse it but makes it worse somehow. I deal with others noticing my lack of hair all the time, and concern over the wind unvailing my baldness, which I'm hiding pretty well for now. I did have a young girl at my work ask me outright about my hair, after she let me know that she asked another coworker about it and was told I have AA (I'm pretty open about it with my coworkers)she went on to tell me she could tell that my hair wasn't quite right, which just made me feel even more self concous, great like I needed that. People are so insensitive at times, but this gal was nothing but unprofessional and rude. I'm sorry you were treated so poorly. I hope that you get tons of comliments to that one bad apple!
I think your wig looks incredible!
I am sooo scared that all my hair will fall out...so far it's just a patch...and my left eyebrow..
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