Ever since my third trimester hit, Ive had some hair! First I noticed some down there- which I wasn't very excited about lol. Then, I noticed a lot of peach fuzz on my head. This morning, I saw 4 lower lashes on my left eye! Wondering what is causing it? Hormones? I thought alopecia was autoimmune- didn't know hormones would have much to do with it. OR could be cause my immune system is altered because of baby. What do you guys think? I know it will prob. come out when baby is born, but things like this have to help find a cure.

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Well, I've read articles that say the immune system weakens during pregnancy. If that's the case, I assume that the hair regrowth is due to the fact that your body isn't attacking the hair as much because of the weakened immune system. I don't think it could help with a cure because it's just weakening the immune system which you don't want to go around weakening people's immune systems. That's just my opinion though. It's not like I know a whole lot about it so don't hold me to that. I have really bad allergies and when I'm pregnant, all my allergies go away. I also have some regrowth occur. I hope you continue to have regrowth. It could have nothing to do with the pregnancy and your hair may be growing back on it's own but best of luck to you! :D I just found out on Sunday that we are expecting our second little one and I'm so excited!! :D
With both my pregnancies my eyebrows grew back, I have had AU for 20 years. So that was definitely very exciting! Now my youngest is one year & sadly the eyebrows turned into thin peach fuzz so I shave it off.
Hi Lee

I have noticed this in many ladies I've helped over the years (regrowth during pregnancy). I really think (for woman at least) there seems to be some sort of connection with hormones and hairloss.

I know for my daughter, puberty was a catalyst in the hairloss cycle, but goodness knows once the jolly thing gets turned on it seem to come and go with her all the time.

I don't know for sure (I don't believe anyone does), but I sure wish somebody would do the research around this little part of the alopecia areata conundrum.

I don't know what will happen after your beautiful baby is born, but I do know that some keep their hair and others don't....just like normal it's always out of our control.

I hope your pregnancy is going well, I feel excited to see the first pictures of you and your new baby (once baby arrives of course).

Take care and truly enjoy this time.


Interestingly enough I think changes in hormones must do something. I originally lost my hair right after I began menstruation. My concern was always the opposite, that I will begin to lose more hair once my hormones change with pregnancy. Please keep me posted if you don't mind, it's always been a curiosity of mine.
The same thing happened to me to. I started getting hair back during month 5 of my pregnancy, I have about 65% of it back, but I also think mine will come out when baby is born.

I thought it was immune system issues, but more came back as time went on. I know that hormones are at their highest in the 3rd trimester, and that's when it really started to come back. My whole head is peach fuzz now. If it were only my immune system, hair should have grew right away. I don't think our immune systems get weaker and weaker with pregnancy. Interesting stuff..I'll keep you all updated and of course post pics when he comes. One more month!!
Alopecia is an immune disorder and when your pregnant your immune system goes dorment because of the baby which is why your hair will grow back! I asked my doctor about this and he explained that people with Alopeica have a over active immune system and thats why it attacts our hair!
I have had complete regrowth with all 3 of my pregnancies, but theat also means I have lost 90%of that are the baby is born. So weird, I wish we could bottle up those hormones!
Hair fell out after I had baby. Atleast he has hair...happy about that!



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