I am letting you all know of my trial of using cannabis oil tincture on my hairline for the past 4 months. I was diagnosed with FFA about 5 years ago. I have used finasteride and clobetasol as well as tried steroid injections and doxycycline. I also went on an autoimmune protocol diet for almost a full year. I believe that the diet made a big difference in my inflammation but my problem was sticking with it religiously. I have not been willing to use the stronger anti inflammatory drugs like cellcept. I have lost my eyebrows completely and hair above my ears and my hairline is greatly receded. I am lucky because I began with a lot of hair that is hiding most of my loss. I had continued to have redness and irritation and hair loss until lately. In late January after listening to other friends who have used cannabis tinctures for arthritis and other conditions it dawned on me that it would be worth trying. I had just finished a couple of months of doxycycline that reduced the redness but made me feel crappy. I also do not want to take so much antibiotic. I stopped taking it and more inflammation returned. I told my dermatologist that I wanted to try a CBD oil tincture and he gave the go ahead as it would not be harmful. I applied a tincture to my red hairline in the morning and evening every day for the past 4 months. Slowly and progressively the inflammation has calmed down and greatly improved to almost gone. I have also had some return hair growth where I had most recently lost some hair. my hairline looks so much more normal now. Showed my dermatologist last week and he was very very impressed and said he never has seen my hairline look this good. With his encouragement I am continuing. I am now going to let go of the finasteride and we are going to check in in three months to see how I am doing. I do believe that the tinctures have been a very powerful healing medicine and I am so excited with my results. I want you to know. There needs to be more trials of this approach to see if others get the great results that I have had. The problem is that it is not available every where. I am in California and it is now legal to buy this medicinal grade tincture. There is hemp oil available in health food stores and if that is all you can get you can try but I have been told that it is not the same powerful quality that you get in a dispensary....thus it is legal everywhere. The tinctures I have used with CBDA and THCA do not have psychoactive effects when used on the skin. They are also in a nice coconut oil base that is good on your skin. If you are interested I will give more info about what I am using........I am continuing and think it has indeed made a huge difference. So hopeful for me. I will update with a post in three more months. Thanks, and good luck out there with this nasty FFA.

Views: 10783

Replies to This Discussion

Thank you Robin so much for the specifics. This is so helpful! Did you slowly go off the clobetasol or how did you switch over to the cannabis?

just stopped the clobetasol and got started......

I am in the UK, so not sure what I will have access to but I will check out local health stores and online.  Very pleased for you that these tinctures are proving effective and thank you for sharing.  Xxx

Hi Robin, Thanks for sharing this. Im aware of the fantastic benefits across the board of CBD, Cannabinoids for health, but this is great news and really happy its working for you with your condition. I have access to CBD oil / legally in the uk - illegally its the dark web for true cannabis. Would you mind detailing the active CBD strength in your tincture ? (i appreciate you use a true canna version).. This is one site i can get a good oil it seems, what do you think, how does it compare in your opinion to what you have been using? https://www.ancientpurity.com/cbd-hemp-products/whole-hemp-plant-ext

Thanks again and grateful of any input xx

Star, I looked on your site and truly I am not very knowledgeable about all of this. It is hard for me to fully understand how to make comparisons....If you have a dispensary there you might ask them questions. this is from the Treatwell site:

TreatWell’s Acid tinctures are non-psychoactive and have a very high terpene and antioxidant content.  THCA & CBDA are the precursor compounds to THC and CBD, found in the raw cannabis plant and have their own unique properties.

TreatWell Tinctures are made with our full plant extract combined with MCT (medium chain triglyceride) oil made from coconuts. MCT oil has nutritional benefits, is easy to digest and is rapidly absorbed by the body.  Blending the MCT with our extract also produces a very even tincture because of the compatible molecule size, so the first dropper has the same cannabinoid content as the last.  No shaking required.  We grow our own proprietary strains organically under the Humboldt sun.  Only top shelf flowers are used in our proprietary extraction process because the top shelf flower has the widest and densest cannabinoid, sub-cannabinoid and terpene content available on the plant.  We do not use shake, trim, or low quality bud/flower our extractions or products.

The tinctures can be applied sublingually (under the tongue), put into food, beverage or capsule or used topically.

I would say if this is the product you can acquire then try it........

I was just in California and picked up calming mind body cream by

apothecanna. It is a cream and probably not as effective as the oil, what do you think?  

Hi, well try it......not sure what is in it but you can try......this is not an exact science for sure.....just that cannabis in a well formulated topical is very anti inflammatory and worth a try......as I said I am sold.......not all gone but so so so much more under control....good luck.

Robin, I am new to this site and have been reading your posts on cbd oil. I have both lichen planopilaris and it looks like frontal fibrosing alopecia as well. Lucky me! My husband just bought some cbd oil over the weekend. Are you still happy with the results you've had using it? I may have missed it, but do you apply it once a day? twice a day? how much do you use? I have lost so much of my once thick and healthy hair that I'm willing to try anything at this point...except the immunosuppressive drugs.

Well, that is how I feel as well...I use it in the morning and evening and about 1/2 a dropper or a bit more on my hairline and then rub it in. And yes, I am still happy with the results and am continuing. Good luck and please post your results and give it time....it took about 4 months for me to finally say, this is doing really good things.....

Thanks for your reply! I will use it on the front areas and see how it goes. BTW did you have redness from the FFA? My dermatologist still hasn't confirmed that I have it, but the lichen planopilaris was confirmed with a scalp biopsy. I didn't think the FFA caused redness and irritation, but who knows? Either way, I will post my results after I give it some time.

yes FFA causes redness and inflamed appearance also black tiny spots where the hair follicle is or was...

Wow , that sounds like good news for you, thanks for your detailed report ..I don't know if this is available in Australia will have to investigate..I think the anti inflammation diet is also worth a try, yes I know very difficult..have reduced my carb intake..

Thanks for sharing , good luck with the journey



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