I am letting you all know of my trial of using cannabis oil tincture on my hairline for the past 4 months. I was diagnosed with FFA about 5 years ago. I have used finasteride and clobetasol as well as tried steroid injections and doxycycline. I also went on an autoimmune protocol diet for almost a full year. I believe that the diet made a big difference in my inflammation but my problem was sticking with it religiously. I have not been willing to use the stronger anti inflammatory drugs like cellcept. I have lost my eyebrows completely and hair above my ears and my hairline is greatly receded. I am lucky because I began with a lot of hair that is hiding most of my loss. I had continued to have redness and irritation and hair loss until lately. In late January after listening to other friends who have used cannabis tinctures for arthritis and other conditions it dawned on me that it would be worth trying. I had just finished a couple of months of doxycycline that reduced the redness but made me feel crappy. I also do not want to take so much antibiotic. I stopped taking it and more inflammation returned. I told my dermatologist that I wanted to try a CBD oil tincture and he gave the go ahead as it would not be harmful. I applied a tincture to my red hairline in the morning and evening every day for the past 4 months. Slowly and progressively the inflammation has calmed down and greatly improved to almost gone. I have also had some return hair growth where I had most recently lost some hair. my hairline looks so much more normal now. Showed my dermatologist last week and he was very very impressed and said he never has seen my hairline look this good. With his encouragement I am continuing. I am now going to let go of the finasteride and we are going to check in in three months to see how I am doing. I do believe that the tinctures have been a very powerful healing medicine and I am so excited with my results. I want you to know. There needs to be more trials of this approach to see if others get the great results that I have had. The problem is that it is not available every where. I am in California and it is now legal to buy this medicinal grade tincture. There is hemp oil available in health food stores and if that is all you can get you can try but I have been told that it is not the same powerful quality that you get in a dispensary....thus it is legal everywhere. The tinctures I have used with CBDA and THCA do not have psychoactive effects when used on the skin. They are also in a nice coconut oil base that is good on your skin. If you are interested I will give more info about what I am using........I am continuing and think it has indeed made a huge difference. So hopeful for me. I will update with a post in three more months. Thanks, and good luck out there with this nasty FFA.

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Replies to This Discussion

I've been thinking a lot about trying the CBD oil, unfortunately I can't get the Treatwell that you use here in New York state :-/ so I've been doing some google research and finding some other options.  I think I am going to  try a hemp CBD oil, as apparently that can be sold over state lines unlike the cannabis CBD oil-  My other option would be to fly out to CO or CA  and pick up a bottle haha!

Anyway, even if it doesn't work on my hair, it looks to be very good for aches and pains and general overall stress- the thought of spending at the very least $75 to $100 + is not a good thought, but then the other thought is, what if it does work? Then $75 is a really small price to pay to at least stop the progression of this stupid FFA.

Will keep doing some more research, as it also is hard to figure out which company to buy the hemp CBD oil from- is it a quality product? quality company? quality customer service? Lots of stuff to research still before I pull the trigger on this, but it will be pulled at some point! Thanks again Robin for sharing your experience!

Hi Minter,

I am trying Hemp CBD oil 250 mg. Bluebird Botanicals available at a Nutrition World. They had several strengths, so decided middle of the road, about $20. I've been using it for about two weeks, twice a day, along with Rogaine 5% once/day so a little early to tell. I still see red spots at the back of my neck, so use 1% hydrocortesone on occasion. Will let everyone know.

HI, glad you are interested....and I know it must be frustrating to not be able to get what you want...but if you can only get CBD hemp oil then try it....why not? People are getting anti inflammatory effects from it.......wish I could help you more.

@Anonymous, I think Bluebird is one of the sites I went through in my CBD oil search- there are soooooooooo many! I'll have to go back and take a look and hopefully it will help keep the inflammation down for you and more- 

@Robin,  definitely want to try this, but just have to get over the road bump of finding the right company/oil for me  & you have helped a lot! Just by sharing your experiences alone you have helped - I never would've thought of trying the CBD oil on my own for Stupid FFA or for anything else and now even by just doing this little bit of research I have discovered quite a lot about what it can do :-) 

Dear Minter, it dawned on me to give it a try when talking to friends who were giving it to their dog with very serious cancer.....it reduced the lumps and made him feel so much better and lived longer than expected and my friend was using it on her arthritic hands with great improvement, I had also heard about other great claims in regards to autoimmune conditions so I thought, there is really nothing for FFA, it is inflammatory and why not try? So glad I did!

I think I have settled on Charlottes Web as the company for the CBD oil, they seem to have one of the highest strengths and is a reputable company- will take another look around google again before I order though just to be sure! 

Hi Robin,

I am interested in the outcome of this experiment you have embarked on.  This is very brave of you.  I am not willing to "try" anything other than what is preventing my hair from falling out any more than it has thus far. Diagnosed in the beginning of 2015 after some years of unthinkable stress and being diagnosed with PTSD.

If there is one thing we know, it's this disease (and most Autoimmune disorders) is that "Stress" is the precipitating cause.  All the other triggers, are relevant because, many people don't get autoimmune disorders from certain products, while we unfortunately do. What I mean is, certain combinations of chemicals and products are not tolerated well for people who experience a great deal of stress and thus, they are vulnerable to certain diseases and disorders.

In any case, I am extremely interested in your progress since giving up finasteride because, the Clobetasol helps reduce the inflammation, but it's the finasteride that prevents the drastic hairloss and even helps stimulate some regrowth in non stressful times.

Please!  keep us posted at least on a monthly basis?  If after not using finasteride for a year but you have reduced inflammation and some consistent regrowth, and even no loss....I'm IN!!

I see Dr Bordone, the Columbia U Derm who has been given a grant to find a solution, cure, alternative, or   just an ANSWER to what, how, why, where, when FFA is....but the results keep getting pushed back!! 

As long as clumps are not falling out, I'm patiently waiting.  I also have had to learn to not STRESS out about things I used to!!  it's not always easy and fortunately, nobody is dying since 2014 and my job situation is "ok". 

I will NEVER be "OK" with FFA though, just learning to accept it.

thanks!! good luck!

  • Hi dragon&fox, yes indeed the FFA journey is horrid, if you don't mind me asking, why did you cease taking finesteride?  I have chosen not to medicate as it all appears to be a bit hit and miss.  I hope your specialist has some success with his research, fingers crossed, take care, 

I have been using CBD oil the past month on my hairline and a little further back. I only use it at night because it is oily and my hair is very fine. It feels like inflammation is less however I"m not sure that washing my hair every morning is so great for my hair that is left. I'm considering a wig so I can wash my hair less often and also use the oil twice a day. It's a conundrum for me. I'm going for a consult at one of the pot shops in town to get some other ideas first. Maybe CBD internally to calm the whole body? I'll let the group know what I find out. 

I have totally dry curly hair that I have to wet and use a very mild shampoo every day with conditioner so that is not a problem with me...maybe you are applying more than you need to? Keep it up it took some time to get the most effect. Good luck.

Thanks for the support Robin. I try to put as little as possible on but fine straight and now thinner hair doesn't hide anything. I'll be the trial for how well once a day use works!

Thanks for the encouragement! Today I met with a woman who owns a cannabis shop in town. She also has medical knowledge and came highly recommended. She listened to me and recommended a whole plant CBD tincture. It is alcohol based and I can use it on my scalp or internally. She recommended both at first to calm my nervous system over all. She thinks tinctures work better, especially since I have digestive issues. Absorption under the tongue bypasses digestion. The brand is Canna Elixirs, 300 mg per dose (one dropper morning & night for a week then once a day). Topically as needed. The content is .09% THC, 31% CBD, 12% CBC & 10% CBG. She says whole plant is best because CBD is more effective with the other ingredients. The price is about 40% less than what I was taking internally before. I'm pretty happy about that and being able to use a non-greasy product on my hair during the day. 



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