I am letting you all know of my trial of using cannabis oil tincture on my hairline for the past 4 months. I was diagnosed with FFA about 5 years ago. I have used finasteride and clobetasol as well as tried steroid injections and doxycycline. I also went on an autoimmune protocol diet for almost a full year. I believe that the diet made a big difference in my inflammation but my problem was sticking with it religiously. I have not been willing to use the stronger anti inflammatory drugs like cellcept. I have lost my eyebrows completely and hair above my ears and my hairline is greatly receded. I am lucky because I began with a lot of hair that is hiding most of my loss. I had continued to have redness and irritation and hair loss until lately. In late January after listening to other friends who have used cannabis tinctures for arthritis and other conditions it dawned on me that it would be worth trying. I had just finished a couple of months of doxycycline that reduced the redness but made me feel crappy. I also do not want to take so much antibiotic. I stopped taking it and more inflammation returned. I told my dermatologist that I wanted to try a CBD oil tincture and he gave the go ahead as it would not be harmful. I applied a tincture to my red hairline in the morning and evening every day for the past 4 months. Slowly and progressively the inflammation has calmed down and greatly improved to almost gone. I have also had some return hair growth where I had most recently lost some hair. my hairline looks so much more normal now. Showed my dermatologist last week and he was very very impressed and said he never has seen my hairline look this good. With his encouragement I am continuing. I am now going to let go of the finasteride and we are going to check in in three months to see how I am doing. I do believe that the tinctures have been a very powerful healing medicine and I am so excited with my results. I want you to know. There needs to be more trials of this approach to see if others get the great results that I have had. The problem is that it is not available every where. I am in California and it is now legal to buy this medicinal grade tincture. There is hemp oil available in health food stores and if that is all you can get you can try but I have been told that it is not the same powerful quality that you get in a dispensary....thus it is legal everywhere. The tinctures I have used with CBDA and THCA do not have psychoactive effects when used on the skin. They are also in a nice coconut oil base that is good on your skin. If you are interested I will give more info about what I am using........I am continuing and think it has indeed made a huge difference. So hopeful for me. I will update with a post in three more months. Thanks, and good luck out there with this nasty FFA.

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Wonder where in Australia you are...my daughter lives there now and she says it is very difficult to get any medicinal grade products. The anti inflammatory diet I was on was The Autoimmune Approach.....it is a restrictive and paleo diet....ate excellent food, felt wonderful but it is a lot of work and consciousness....but worth a try.......have to be committed for a while....Look up The Paleo Approach by Sarah Ballantyne........her web site is Paleo Mom.......excellent resource and it all makes so much sense.

I would be very interested to hear more about what the exact tinctures are.  I live in Ontario, Canada where marijuana is now legal.  So nice to hear something positive for a change!  Will keep my fingers crossed for you going forward!  (And for all of us!!!)

DW please look at my replies to the other inquiries.......good luck!

Robin. This is very interesting information, and I will check it out! You haven't had any side effects from the cannibus? 

No side effects, the oil is a coconut oil base and very good on the skin....there are no psychoactive effects I don't know if I have any other benefits such as being more relaxed, a deeper sleep....both possible.....My hair is feeling so healthy and my hairline is so so improved.......worth a try.....

I am using the AutoImmune Protocol (AIP) by Amy Myers, MD.  I feel great and the hair loss is minimal. She has 3 books too. The Thyroid Connection, The AutoImmune Solution & The AutoImmune Solution Cookbook. She has her own store with Supplements, recipes and great articles: https://www.amymyersmd.com. The books are on Amazon. 

Erika, I also followed the AIP as written about by Sarah Ballentyne....online as Paleo Mom web site. I was very good with it but then pooped out...it takes a lot of discipline....but very good. Good luck....I am hoping the canabis works well for others...not sure you have to have the same oils as me..if you have access to good quality then try it.....Good luck.

hi Robin.... that is exciting news.  i having scarring alopecia (about 4 yrs now and I'm 60ish) and i also did the autoimmune protocol for about a year.  i believe it did help but like you it didn't get rid of it completely.  for about 3 years now i still avoid certain foods but i'm into just trying to cover certain areas in order to go out into the world and feel normal.

i am affected around my ears at the top of my head where i have to do the comb over which covers pretty well for now including some of that toppik stuff.  my hairline receded but since i where bangs it's not very noticeable.   i hate the thought of wearing a wig though since i tried a few and it just feels so fake and uncomfortable.   I will look into trying out the cbd oil for sure.  I have tried all natural in getting rid of this problem... stayed away from any antibiotic, steroid foams etc. due to the side effects.   i have very little loss for the past year but i don't know if any will be coming back.  that's my issue, it seems to have stopped but i want atleast some to come back in. 

i was just recently diagnosed with hypo thyroidism which i was sure i had a thyroid issue - by a naturopath and am now taking meds for that, but a natural one, not synthroid but a porcine med.  she said maybe after taking for 3 months i would see some growth and its been 2.  i am hopeful but not expecting much.  still praying for a miracle....  life is not the same ...like you mentioned its all about is it windy out, rainy out.... how paranoid will i be when outdoors?  oh well, mostly i go to a secure corner somewhere to avoid it all..... what a life!  for now atleast <i will try the cbd oil.  im in Canada and not sure if this is something that i can get from my dr. or naturopath but supposedly it will be legalized this coming Oct. across Canada.  yay!!

good luck to you Robin and thanks for sharing your story.

Hi Robin,

I am starting a cbd oil 250 mg. in olive oil on my spots. There were a number of different strengths, this being a lower one at a nutrition store. It's labeled cbd hemp oil and the person there said that they were labeled with hemp in the title because of some regulation, the tinctures have the leaves of the plant. I don't know if this is what you have, or comparable, but I'm willing to give it a shot. How long did it take until you noticed some change with the products you use? 

It looks as though I may be losing hair with a topper (it's thinning on top) and perhaps my nape due to visors? Don't know for sure. Wondering if anyone else has seen this. Very frustrating. 

Thank you. This group is wonderful.

Well good luck with the CBD oil that you have..........it took weeks to 2months to see real results of less redness and some hair growing back....I went to my Dr after 4 months to show him my results....I have been religious with it am and pm since mid January......still good and getting better.....hope you get some good results.

Thank you for sharing this information with us.  I have decided that I am going to try cannabis oil tinctures.  I live in Colorado where such products are legal and available.  Do you only use this topically, or do you take it orally also?  I am very interested in knowing exactly what you are using if you are willing to share.  You can friend me and send me a private message.  Thank you again.

Hi Sally, if you look at the earlier comments on this thread you will find where I share what I am using....products by Treatwell. I am still very happy with the results, I think still getting better and better.....I do not take it orally but that is probably a good idea too.....I apply morning and evening and rub it in........good luck and I hope you get results like I have.....please let me know!



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