I was wondering whether anyone has/knows about anyone who has treated a dysfunction with their body that has resulted in remission of alopecia?

i vaguely remember reading an abstract from a medical journal about someone suffering AU and also had helicobacter pylori and once treated went into full remission of alopecia.

In my circumstances, I'm thinking of checking on some things with my GP in the near future;
a few years before my alopecia i think i was likely diagnosed with iron deficiency however it was not confirmed and im likely to get my thyroid function tested, and testosterone and estrogen levels just to rule out a few 'possible causes'

just curious!

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Hi Jessica,

My little daughter suffer from your same fate. She had a foot wart and her hair fell off. Since then I have started to believe that AA may in many cases be trigger by a skin viral infection.


I had terrible warts on my foot too. A long time ago. What kind of cream was it? How is your hair now?

I have been taking Methotrexate for RA which has out me in total remission from 7 years with AU. When I stop my weekly dose for more than a couple of weeks I start getting many dime size spots that spread and get bigger. I then go back on the Methotrexate and also get Kenalog injections into the spots. Takes about 5 weeks before the spots start filling back in.
I also was treated for H-pilori (twice) but since I was already on metho didn't notice any difference.
Hope that helps :)

I was first diagnosed with AA when I was about 18 or 19 years of age. Had steroids at that time which arrested it, the hair grew back. I was ok for years and then I would get a spot or 2 but they would always grow back. Then when I was about 42, I had 2 spots at the nape of my neck that did not grow back. Then about 3 years ago all my hair fell out and I now have AU. No eye brows, lashes, underarm…. nothing. Last year I started to cut out gluten, eat a diet that I consider to me low in minimally processed foods. I juice at least one meal a day of fresh fruits and vegetables. About 2 months later I started to notice tiny white hairs peeking through my eyebrows. It been almost a year since I noticed that and both of my eyebrows have now grown in. They are not quite as full as they were before the AU, but I no longer have to use an eyebrow pencil to drawn on brows, unless I want to. I had nothing there. I also have lashes coming in on both eyes and top & bottom. I have noticed very tiny white hairs on my head now peeking through, It has been very slow going, but I have hairs that I didn’t have 3 years ago. Not to mention I lost 28 pounds and 4 dress sizes from a 16 to a 10. I think the juicing has helped to bring healing to my damaged immune system (start it into gear). Watch the documentary called Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. That how I got started and I intend to do so the rest of my life. I have energy I hadn’t had in years. I’ll check back in with you in a few months. Take care.

Oh and I didn't mention I am 54 years old now.

I had lost my eyebrows and eyelashes after about 12 years of having AA. It happened suddenly and quickly. I had been suffering from a lot of food allergies. I started getting NAET treatments and all my eyelashes came back and most of my eyebrows grew back as well. I even started to get hair growth on my head. It is nowhere near a full head of hair but it's more than I've had in almost 15 years AND I no longer have allergies.

What is NAET?

I had AU for about 14 yrs when I went to a Dutch doctor (living in The Netherlands at the time) to lose weight, he put me on very high doses of thyroid medication, side effect my eyelashes and eyebrows returned and I finally got pregnant after almost 15 yrs of trying. I was not allowed to take the meds while I was pregnant, so my lashes and brows left again. We returned to the USA when out daughter was about 3 months old and I have NEVER been able to get an American doctor to give me anything but the standard dose of synthyroid. That dose does nothing, barely helps my low thyroid that I do have. I have always felt that if I could have stayed on the meds longer I would have recovered more hair, but always felt my AU root cause was my low thyroid. I was only on the meds a short time before I got pregnant. I now have had AU over 40 years. That baby is now 25 yrs old.

I have been on an alternative thyroid for years. My doctor Thom Lobe in Beverly Hills practices both Western and Eastern medicine. If you're not in the Los Angeles call them for a referral for someone he may know in your area. 310 935 4320

Not that this is really related, but I recently had leg surgery that resulted in a post surgical skin infection. Now, hair is growing in the infected area.

When I lost all the hair on my head, I was treated with a uv laser at 308 nanometers 3 times a week for about a year. My hair came back at about 60% and has remained ever since. I've managed to partially re grow my eye brows using Anthralin cream.

Orthomolecular Medicine has been around for 60 years. Advanced BioCell in Los Angeles has been working in this area of alternative medicine successfully for over a decade. It is an approach to understanding your own body's needs and what minerals you may be either excessive or depleted in and correcting it through supplements. Thus creating balance in the body and allowing it to correct what may be causing certain issues.

It's literally personalized medicine. I have seen many changes in some of the clients who have been w/ Advanced BioCell but most had thinner hair which became healthier and thicker after being on their program. I have not seen someone diagnosed with alopecia suddenly get their back. However I do feel that our minerals are like gas in a car. It will not run properly without putting in the right gas or at all if you're on empty.

Also I have personally seen remarkable results being in done w/ hair at the Stem Cell center I was treated at for my back recently in Thailand which ABC arranged for me.

I do believe testing ones hormones and getting an immune panel performed is essential.

I hope this helps.

I have heard of someone with aa and treated for the helicobacter virus completely recovering from alopecia. I am trying to get my daughter tested for helicobacter and other allergies. Anyone done the isac test?



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