I'm having full re-growth for the third time and I am feeling pretty down about my short hair. Everyone copes with alopecia differently and, for me, I actually seem to feel better about my head situation when my hair is not around as I have many pretty scarves and wigs and I have learnt over time to have fun with it. Changing my wigs round all the time etc. I left my wigs on for a really long time after re-growth this time but my hair wasn't growing as fast or in nice condition from being shoved under a wig all day. But I hate my short hair so much. I'm sorry I'm not trying to be insensitive to those who would love their hair back even if it was short, this is just a personal thing. I'm 23 now and since I was 15 and this first started I have never had my long hair back as it's just fallen out again and stayed out for a long period. I'm pretty girly and at the moment I just feel really unfeminine and that at least my alopecia was something striking about me. I have body confidence issues anyway because I have an eating disorder but am currently a lot higher in weight than I used to be.

So can anyone help me with ideas for what to do with my short hair? Or even better, at what length can you get extensions? I would get clip in ones from my hairdresser as I obviously don't want to put pressure on my hair but usually my hair is pretty strong when its around and what I do to it (dyeing it, styling it etc) has no bearing on when it falls out.  

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Depends how ur short hair is but u r young so maybe a faux hauk like I think Halle berry wears sometimes?

I was wondering about this too.  My hair is also re-growing, but very short.  I also have always had long hair and after wearing beautiful hair pieces for so long, I just don't feel pretty with my own very short hair.  Please, I don't mean to offend anyone as I realize how petty this probably sounds, but I also wondered if anyone had used extensions once their hair started to re-grow.  Lyndsey, I am currently wearing a clip-in topper, which blends in with my hair so it is not as restrictive as a full wig if that helps any.     

I use the Easi Volume extensions in both the long and the short.

http://www.voguewigs.com/10-in-easivolume-328-extension-easihair.html.  There is also a longer one.  I did thin it out when I got it because I've never had thick hair and it felt strange to me.

This is very easy to clip in and even my tiny amount of hair holds on to the clips.  Basically, it's just one piece that goes around your head.  I don't have any affiliation with the site, however, as far as I'm concerned, they are the best.


Nobody has EVER known this was an extension  unless I tell them.


I hope this helps a little bit. I know it's just so hard. Just do your research. You'll find the one thing that works for you.

I don't wear it in the house or just running around, because I don't want the clips to pull too much of my hair.


All my best to you.



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