What is the point of posting if you can't get anyone to answer?

What is the point of posting if you can't get anyone to answer?

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I just delete my posts that go unanswered after a week. Sometimes, a post doesn't ask a question that others CAN answer...or, it is a repeat of info already on this site. After a year, stories tend to repeat themselves with new members, and some of us are already onto deeper, funnier, or more personal topics. You can't "get" another to do anything unless he/she really wants to. People are more likely to respond if they really have an answer, care about a friend, or share an outlook. Try sending personal messages to those who share your concerns instead. You will have to become "friends" to do that. Be wary, however, of those who use, stalk, pry, only say "Hi" or things without substance, flirt with ALL women, or ask for personal data or home e-mail addresses. Those are dangerous or time-fillers.
I would like to know why some of my posts are being removed and I'm not notified or told why. It has happened twice now in the past month. I agree and also wonder why at times people will post questions or concern and you can see that a lot of people post things, but then not a single person replies. I think this must be very unwelcoming to especially to newer members who are trying to reach out and no one responds. I agree with Tall about being careful who you get involved with. If someone gives me a friend request with no message and no prior communication, I don't friend them. Why would you "friend" someone and not even send a personal message or why you want to friend them.
Basically, I think people mostly care about items that also concern or can benefit themselves. If someone elses's woe or expectation of a miracle isn't something that one can answer...then, there's no answer.

I think newbies need to explore the site, old blogs, archives, discussion topics and groups first, because many answers have been here all along. There isn't anyone on here who sits all day to only answer the repeating questions, from all over the world, about alopecia and hair loss. We are all just real people, with families and jobs, who drop in occasionally to fill mostly our own needs. When we are satisfied that we have learned what we need, then....?
I do know if you post to someone else's blog or post - that person can remove your reply - but there are some instances when one's own blog or post does not 'comply' with the 'rules' it will just be gone and you may or may not be told why - at least this is what several have told me who have been long time posters on here.
If someone has posted something that does not 'comply with the rules', then they should be told what they wrote that did not comply so that they would know what not to do. I am not aware of anything I wrote that was different than what others post; to my knowledge, I have not posted anything inappropriate or offensive. I have tried to be very compassionate and supportive of others on the website and being here has been a growing experience for me too. The first time my blog or discussion post was removed, I asked and was told it would be looked into and then I didn't hear back. Now it happened again. I think if a post is removed, the poster/I should be informed and told why. After all, isn't this the place we are suppose to be able to share our personal successes, frustrations, to support one another, and raise awareness? So when I post something that is personal or dear to me and my growth in dealing with my alopecia that I want to share with others, and I don't see how what I did is any different that what others post, I do take it a little personal when something I post is removed with no explanation.
I agree that the person should be told why too. And I would also take it personally.
I just posted research news on both Blogs and Discussions. It was removed from Blogs and featured on Discussions, so from this I gather that repetitive or misplaced info can also be managed or moved. Also, maybe items are selected for clarity, appropriateness, or relevance to the greatest audience of those with hair loss. If people here tend to play doctor and diagnose, those blogs may also be removed as safeguards (so the owners won't be sued if "cures" don't work, or people lose money on false treatments). Same thing with sales pitches for a product or med. Having been related to a lawyer once, I can understand some of the thinking on the latter.
Good question, Michelle. I think part of the problem is that some (many?) people don't visit AW every day, multiple times a day. If there's a post and you don't happen to see it - and if it isn't featured (which I understand only some can be), then it disappears and you have no way to know it's there, right? Sometimes, I'll just happen to see an older post because someone responds and I happen to see the response. There have been blogs/discussions that I can't believe I missed. But, I didn't see them at the right moment. So, I don't think it's necessarily so much that people don't care to respond.
If no one replies to my post, I'm gonna try not to let it bother me. Though it might a little. Anyways it's good to get my feelings out and that's why I blogged... try not to let it get to you. ;)
Hey Michelle, these guys are right - so many discussion boards are being started, and blogs written, every day, and don't all stay up on the 'featured' section. So a lot of the time they might not be seen by many. Don't let it put you off though - there's so much to benefit from with this site.
As Tallgirl said, you can browse through old posts if something specific you are after or wanting to read about. But I appreciate that sometimes the main reason you've posted on the site is because you really want some immediate responses/advice/support - in which case it would be frustrating! But don't let it put you off
Another thing I do, and maybe other people do, is that if I've read blogs by someone I like, I check their page from time to time to see what they might have written. I hope that some folks do that with my blogs, too.
Hi, We don't all get on everyday and may miss a post. You can always message me if I can help and I will get back to you within a week. Having friends on this site kept me sane when this first happened to my teenage daughter.



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