I would just like to discuss reasons why being bald is awesome! I'll go first!

I think its awesome because I get to crack funny jokes when people talk about hair! or how i don't have to wake up a lot earlier to get my hair done for the day, i also look like a bad ass! what are some reasons why you love being bald? :)

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I love not having to shave under arms or have my legs waxed and the money I save from this and hairdressers.

The reality of being ME, with or without hair. Not too mention, I can. It makes a difference and speaks when out, especially when someone else is dealing with the same issue. Making a difference for the Glory of God. He loves me. The shower feels awesome,..smile. Work it ladies...work it.

I love this!!!!!

I love being bald, because it has taught me how to accept other people for who they are, and not to judge them by their looks!

I havent shaved my legs in 10 years! I also love that I can style my hair the day before!!

I love that we can all come together and accept this disease we can't control and really find the hidden beauty within it :)

reasons why I love being bald.....less money and energy spent on hair products. My look is totally changeable at any time. love the feeling of the smoothness and head caresses feel so much better on a smooth scalp. love that shock value of being a bad ass. the #1 reason I love being bald. Since losing my hair I have come to realize what is truly important in life. I dont stress about mundane things anymore. And I know my confidence comes not from my appearance of having a "good hair day" but comes from totally within.

I love it because no more tangleknots, can't get lice, will never go gray!

I get to wear hats to school when I want! I'm the first one recruiters look at on the volleyball court! And some days when I wish I had hair, I think "Do I really want to have to shave again?" :)

No shaving and cool in summer... but most of all, I love having style choices -- color, cut, length change daily depending upon my mood! One day is an edgy or spiky dark short style, the next an elegant updo or long, chestnut luxurious locks, and maybe a rooted platinum blonde for a special night out. :)

In a world where everyone looks like the "real housewife" series, I am unique.... I can look any way I want on a given day.... My head never gets hot when I have hot flashes...Feeling the breeze on my head on a warm day...Taking a shower and not spending 15 minutes drying my hair...No need to dye my gray away, I have none!...Really cool hats look great and don't compete with my hair...No one ever has to know....

I'm saving a lot from getting hair cuts, shampoo, and conditioner. No need to buy gel either.

Helped build up my savings account a little bit surprisingly

i'd spend it all just to have a cure for it though



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