HI Guys,

Has anyone imported Xeljanz from india via Fedex?

Just wondering if its reliable and if it gets through customs without issue.


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I'm still waiting on an order in Germany. I'm going on holiday to India in the summer, so I think I'll order a year's worth to pick up whilst I'm there, it seems like the only guaranteed way to get this drug :-(

Hello notVeryImaginative, not to discourage or demean your hope, but Beacon does not deliver in India, one of our fellow group members is in India and tried with them to order but they declined. You can still try checking with them, no harm though, may situation change by the time you ask!

Hi Ruby, 

Yes they do speed the checks up as I had my second order come through in only 8 days from Bangladesh to my house. And yeh I think maybe you can order 30 boxes without a issue.

I wouldn’t ring customs as they will ask loads of questions. Just keep checking on your royal mail tracking.

Kind regards.


has anyone tried to send tofacinix to spain
has anyone tried to send tofacinix to spain?

An update on my order: I got a message from the delivery service asking me to pick up my package from their customs office. I assume that there will be some import duty to pay, but this should be a formality.

Seems that this works for Germany, although I'd like to dig around and find out what the rules are before I do another, bigger order (I only order 6 packets this time, going to try at 10mg a day and see if anything happens over 3 months).

Glad to hear the progress on your order, but if the medicine do works well i would suggest to order up ahead in time to not to break the continuity.

Please look at my profile

Hello All Respected group members, If you can please assist me with your experiences on how much time/ days/ months it takes for Tofacinix 5mg twice daily to start showing effects on Alopecia Universalis? I mean to say when it may start showing up that medicine is working or has started working on a person, to give an idea on it?

Any thoughts, or experiences would really help me?


Some people have had improvement in 6 weeks at 10mg per day. Some at 5mg per day. Some people have needed 20mg per day for 6 months for any improvements to show. It’s all dependent on your body chemistry or if it’s jak 2 or jak 3 that is causing ones alopecia in the first place. Highly complex condition with trial and error and mainly patience in your own treatment experiment and implementation of your treatments. Good luck though and hope it’ll work for you . 

Yes, it does appear to be dependent on the personal characteristics. For my kid who is AU, 5mg a day worked wonders (split half in the morning and half at night). Started in August (when there was no hair) and  now has full regrowth of eyebrows, lashes and scalp hair. The 'mg' may depend on body weight?? My kid is small, under 100 pounds..

How long does it take to get tofacinix once they send the package and do you have to sign for it.?iwanted to order six or 10 boxes and Beacon would only send out 20 hoping the package doesn’t look to big and makes it through customs 



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