HI Guys,

Has anyone imported Xeljanz from india via Fedex?

Just wondering if its reliable and if it gets through customs without issue.


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Thinking  about to make a trip to Miami.I live in Turkey and can get some Xeljanz with me.I have alopecia Universalis too.If some people need those pm me but most important thing is i would like to give the boxes face to face not by shipping.

Regards all

Hi All,

Firstly, a sincere thank you to everyone who has contributed to this thread so far and shared their experience, the information found here has been enormously helpful. 

I ordered 10 boxes of Tofacinix from Beacon two weeks ago, they've made it as far as the customs office in Coventy (I'm in the UK) where they've been for a couple of days so far - I was expecting this though so I'm not panicking yet! I'll report back with any updates.

Hi Jonny 

I’m also in the U.K. I am interested but need a gp to monitor bloods. Do you have a gp who is doing this for you ? 

Jonny - did you get yours through? Mine have been trapped since 7th March. I managed to speak to customs yday and they’ve been sent for testing answers they can’t update me further so doesn’t look like I’ll get them. 

Mice ordered more and I’m really hoping these come through. I’ve just had to up my tablets again to 20 mg and so at the moment it’s costing me £650 per month for the expensive ones from I dia which is a real struggle to afford 

Hey all, I have never contributed to this site before and but told myself that if I see results with this medication than I would.

Background: AU for about 7 years, tried everything but nothing took.

Ive been waiting for a version of this medicine to come out ever since the original study. 

So, I went ahead and ordered tofacinix from Bangledesh. Never tried the non generic version. I started on april 10th.. it is now May 19th and I have little white hairs coming up! I have to really look to see them but they are starting to come up very spread out in various spots all over my scalp. Maybe 100 hairs total, which is not a lot but significant considering I had 0 a week ago. Trying not to get my hopes up too high yet. I am taking two tablets every morning and another two before bed. 

This post might seem premature because my results arent huge but its still very early and I imagine things will only get better from here. 

If you haven't seen results as quickly as this don't worry, In my research it usually takes much longer.

Thanks to NiolceT and others for staying so active on this site. I would not have known about this if you hadn't started this thread and been so active here. That is why I am posting this now. So that others know there is a successful treatment for some with extreme cases and it is affordable. 

That said, If your considering this, know the side effects and what you might be getting into. Side effects can be significant. 

Ill try to keep you updated.

hi.  where did you purchase?  i cannot get.a response from the listed pharm.  i am not sure why.  

HI Guys,

Just an update over here...

My last order from Beacon (20 Boxes) sat in JFK (NYC) Customs for 31 days.

I received no correspondence from customs whatsoever, then it just showed up to my local post office one day and delivered to my house.

My other friend here an Baltimore had the same there. Held at JFK for just over a month then released.

Just FYI!



Thanks for the update Nicole .Hope all is well.

Hello Nicole,
How much it cost you to buy the medicine directly from Beacon Pharma? 



Hi Everyone,

After paying a small UK customs charge, I've now received my first delivery of ten boxes from Beacon. Exciting!

Magmck - sorry it's taken me so long to reply to you. I'm going to enquire about having blood tests done on the NHS, I expect the answer will be no, though. If I remember correctly there was someone in the huge Xeljanz thread who was in the UK and was being monitored by their GP - I think they had a prescription from a doctor in the USA however, which might make it easier to convince them.

That is really encouraging to hear that there is a dermatologist in Ireland willing to prescribe tofacitnib. If I can get an initial appointment/prescription after travelling over from Scotland then I wonder if my GP would consent to having the blood tests done back at home on the NHS.

Failing that, I'd be looking at having the tests done privately. The user MindOverMatter described doing that via citydoc.org.uk when I asked him towards the end of this thread:


There are other sites such as Medichecks.com who appear to offer all of the relevant tests for a small fee, I can see myself going down that route.

Thanks again to everyone who contributes here, the info is invaluable!


my gp Ian monitoring my bloods. My tablets have been stuck in customs in Coventry for three months. I’m so annoyed.

i was wondering if anyone who orders regularly would mind if I had them shipped to them and then i can pick them up. I live in London but I’m from Wigan so can travel anywhere.

Good morning all,

I ordered from Beacon on May 22nd and i received my order at home on June 1. My appt with Columbia is not till the 11th so now just waiting. I had also tried to get appt with Dr King but next appt wasn;t till December. But their office emailed me to see if I wanted to be part of study for baricitinib . I have sent back my info and now waiting on them too. I am also researching stem cells and platelet-rich plasma combo. Anyone have any info on those?



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