HI Guys,

Has anyone imported Xeljanz from india via Fedex?

Just wondering if its reliable and if it gets through customs without issue.


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Sorry sara I missed this one.

Ive had all over scalp steroid injections which are insanely painful, dont work, and have horrible side effects. Ive tried many other meds as well which made me hot and irritable.

Xeljanz is the first thing i ever tried with no side effects. not to mention it works.

Yes i would order from beacon. stop wasting money seeing your derm.

Order baseline labs from from your PCP including cholesterol. Make sure you specify that you want to see your HDL and LDL cholesterol levels broken out and not just total cholesterol.

You have every right to have your labs drawn every 6 months and your doc can just let you know if anything looks off. You can do this annually. you can tell them you are on xeljanz (they prob wont even ever have heard of it if they are like my PCP) or you can just say you want to se your labs which is a totally normal request.


Im in the exact same boat. Keep your head up! Im 27 and if it wasn't for the extensions I had installed in January I don't even know what hair I would have left. I have been totally dominated over the past year with depression, self obsession, and anxiety and it freaking sucks! Im looking to order Xeljanz ASAP. Can you share more of your path on ordering? I used the Quick Order message feature, waiting on reply now.

If you dont hear back on the quick order, email Mouree directly. but im sure you will hear back. they just take some time.

Hi Sara, 

thank you, Alopecia really sucks.  I am glad I have found such a great community though.  Basically what nicole said, it takes them a few days to reply.  They sent the package a few days after I wired them the money.   Ill post again when I receive it.  I ended up having to wire an extra $10 because my bank ( bank of america) told me that HSBC charges $10 for incoming wire intl wire transfers.   So I paid $55 total for the transfer fee and the incoming charge fee.  I am not sure how much your bank will charge.  Good luck . 

Hi Tiffany, just wondering if your order made it through. I just placed an order, I live in California.

Hello guys,

I wonder if anyone has had any luck getting Xelijanz through to Germany? I tried once getting it sent from beacon (Bangladesh i think?)  But it was seized by the German customs..130 euros down the drain..has anyone got any advice?



I read through this thread and was wondering if you still recommend Beacon for ordering generic xeljanz? I see you did some shopping around and was hoping to find out what you would recommend today.

Definitely beacon if you live in the USA. let me know if you need help ordering. 

Yes, Im in Nevada. I would love help ordering,

Email Mouree at:


Give them time, it takes a minute.

What dosage are you taking daily? they make an 11mg and a 5mg.

I can advise you how to order best based on your daily dosage.

feel free also to email me at ntondre@gmail.com.

I will show you one of their invoices/wiring instructions etc.

Hey Nicole,

Im going to email you, thanks so much.

I think I saw a post in this thread from someone in the UK that has tofa and no longer needs it? If so I'm happy to purchase them from you. Drop me a message if you see this post.



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